This tag is to get to know the person behind the blog better. As with any tagging game, there are rules;
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and make 11 new one.
Rule 3: Tag 11 5 few people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Tagged by
yuitoz :D
1. How do you encounter these fandom?
Hmm, I was introduced to the Johnny's fandom by one of my close friends during High school days. I was dragged into the NEWS fandom before jumping over to KAT-TUN and finally stopped at Hey! Say! JUMP.
2. Is your place and society familiar with japan and japanese culture?
Well, not really I guess. It's K-wave now so I guess that people are much more familiar with Korea though learning Japanese Language is another thing.
3. Do you have any fetish?
Hmm, fetish? Well, I'm sort of attracted to someone's laughter and I like to stare at the guys' arms.
4. Do you play sport? What?
Not really but I do like swimming and jogging.
5. Consider yourself a sweet tooth?
Hmm, pretty much yes. Chocolates, Ice-cream, Dessert~
6. Picky about food?
Yes! I was told by my parents that I'm really picky ><
7. Since you are into this fandom, which are japanese, do you still entertain yourself with others? Like american’s movies/songs
Yes! I'm trying to listen to other genres of songs as well so that I won't restrict myself to only one type of genre.
8. 5 yrs ago, i was...(con’t this sentence, as long/short as you want) my first year of High school. There wasn't anyone I knew in the class and honestly speaking, I hated the feeling of having to make friends all over again. However, I began to mix around with other people and formed a clique of my own. Throughout my whole four years in High school, I must say that I had matured and learned my lessons. Thus, those four years were really fruitful and I was able to know who my true friends were.
9. Did your parents know what you’re doing online? Did they mind?
Hmm, I guess they know it somewhat. Either for leisure or homework.
10. In my opinion, life are...
...full of ups and down. However, I'm sure that we'll be able to conquer and turn it into something nice for ourselves.
11. How long do you think you’re going to be a fangirl?
Hmm, I've never consider about it before. Well, I've never thought that I'd be an avid fan of HSJ for straight three years because I'm usually fickle-minded. But I guess I hope I'll be their fan for as long as I could because they are my inspiration for almost everything.
Done! Hahas. I don't think I'm going to tag anyone in this though.