Part one here! Part two here! Part three here! Part four here! Part five here! Part six here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If you do so, I'd recommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in
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Besides the fact that most people at school see him as Gotham City's Billionaire Playboys Charity Case, is that Dick is the perfect size to be stuffed into lockers and he can't even use his skills to get out. He has to wait and bang on the locker to have someone let him out, it's embarrassing and totally not whelming.
Anywho, I would love it if someone could write a five times type deal where Dick is in a situation that Robin could get out of but Dick can't. And maybe one time its the opposite?
I wasn't sure about the ordering, I was trying to up the severity as I went but it kind of ended up just being in the order that I thought of them.
I'm not finished yet but I'm on a role so they'll probably all be up within the next...oh...half hour?
They're kind of short though... Anyway, enough self-deprecating, on with the story.
1. LockerIt would be easy, Robin muses, to dig into his backpack's secret compartment for his utility belt. Actually, scratch that, he could probably work his way out of this place even without any of his tools ( ... )
Robin knows plenty of martial arts. He knows, even without all his gadgets, how to use somebody's moves against them, how to work against bigger, stronger opponents. He knows how to use his own size as an advantage.
So even though he's backed into a corner and the three tall, muscular goons were advancing on him, he knows he can win this.
Except he's at school, and there's only so much he can get away with, there's a persona he's created that he can't break from. He wonders if Bruce ever has this problem, but decides that Bruce is probably never in situations like this, and everything can be handled with careful application of playboy!Bruce or CEO!Bruce.
So Dick takes the beating until the bullies are satisfied, and has to content himself with the fact that Robin knows how to roll with punches, how to protect himself from getting too badly injured, and how to patch himself up once they've left.
This one should have been easy, it's not just Robin who knows how to flip and twist and fly, and it should be the one class where he can be Dick and Robin, just be himself because they all know where he came from, they bully him for it anyway it doesn't matter if he shows it, not when it's such a freeing, joyful experience.
Only that's not what gym class is really like, because there's other things that are on the curriculum, and the one and only time he really let himself go he nearly gave the gym teacher a heart attack, and then he wasn't allowed to do that anymore because of health and safety.
So gym becomes just another thing he has to play down, has to remind himself that Dick isn't supposed to be as fit as Robin, can't run as fast or jump as high or throw as far. Dick is studious, not athletic, an honour student, not a jock.
He pretends to pant and strain and complain just as much as everybody else, longing for his chance to get back to the manor so he can get a real workout, so he can fly again.
(The subject of this one changed about four times so that whole increasing-in-severity thing just flew out the window. I've also noticed I wrote 'role' in the first post when I meant 'roll', and now I feel like a moron XD)
4. Gossip
Robin, upon hearing some untoward comment about his and Batman's relationship, can explain it. He can point out that it's just the superhero version of any mentor/student (or father/son) relationship, and just because they wear lots of black leather and spandex it doesn't mean there's anything wrong happening. That's pretty much just what superheroes wear ( ... )
It's Robin's least favourite thing. There's just something about him that villains seem to like - he knows exactly what it is, of course, he's smaller and easier to overpower and important to Batman. Kidnapping is not an uncommon occurance in the slightest. Even without his utility belt - and they've learnt to take that off him by now - he knows any number of tricks for getting out of pretty much any situation, and Batman's usually not far away.
Even Dick has had his fair share of kidnap experience, after all you didn't wander round a city like Gotham being the ward of Bruce Wayne without a few attempts on your life and/or freedom. Even without most of his gear on him, he carried enough tech that alarms were raised and help was relatively quickly on its way almost as soon as he was taken. Better still when he was kidnapped by some of the less esoteric of Gotham's villains, and he could afford just a tiniest bit of Robin's help to get free.
Sometimes, the two combined, and that was Robin's very least favourite thing. A ( ... )
Robin was in trouble. Big trouble. Not with any of the mentors, but that didn't mean anything, hell hath no fury and all that...
Not that Artemis had exactly been scorned, just pranked, and really Robin didn't know what the big deal was, it wasn't like it was the first time he'd done it. ...Well, maybe that was the big deal, but still ( ... )
Well, the last one's especially cute. The rest are awesomesauce. :D
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