I am REALLY, REALLY SORRY about taking so long, guys, and about not being around much recently. I've been busier than I have in a while, and it just kept slipping my mind between uni applications and volunteering and all sorts- for some reason I thought we were much further off a new post.
If there is anything I haven't responded to, as of now, I'm
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Can we get something with Clone!Roy and Real!Roy?
Clone!Roy having identity issues and believing his life was a lie, maybe some suicidal tendencies and idealizations?
And Real!Roy, suddenly coming back into the world, find out years have passed and he's a stranger to all these people who've grown to know and accept his clone. He's missing his dominant arm, he's angry and hurt and weak from years without moving.
Basically Roy's life(s) kinda suck and I would love angst surrounding his/their thoughts on it all? :D
Cause, there's a high possibility that I am in the process of speed painting something that your prompt inspired me to do.
I'd love to see what you came up with, anon! <3
I don't know why, but your prompt kind spurred these ideas. Like, identity crisis ideas. If clone Roy stays Red Arrow, what if the real Roy becomes Arsenal? Complete with cybernetic arm and all?
Ffffuuuuu idek.
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, OP.
I think experimenting and going outside your comfort zone is a good thing. And that really shows with this. You pulled off so much emotion in something so simple. It's kinda chaotic, and I like that. ^_^
Thank you for this, thank you thank you thank you. <3
The whole Roy-is-a-clone thing is still considered a spoiler at the moment...
Spoilers for Auld Aquaintances, Triggers: suicidal thoughts
Someone who has already seen the bootleg episodes for the rest of the first season might not want spoilers for season 2. They might not read the prompt if the subject doesn't give them a clue what the spoilers are.
I hope this gets filled. The clone-angst has so much potential.
Why is this such a big deal, jfc?
OP, I think it's just a suggestion for next time, perhaps? As well as a note for others out there wishing to make spoiler related prompts? The main incentive is to simply be a bit more specific with what it is you are considering to be spoilers. Some of us don't like surprises, and not all of us are on the same track. Not everyone has watched the leaked episodes, and some of us are going by Cartoon Networks schedule.
Anon1, please be conscious of your choice in wording next time? It could prevent bad things, as well as limit the amount of miscommunication. Had it been a note to someone logged in, they could have changed it an everything'd be fine. But OP was a masked anon, after all.
Shake hands!
Kay? All good now. :)
I understand, though. I was just confused and all. I'll be more clear, if I decide to make another spoiler prompt in the future.
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