I am REALLY, REALLY SORRY about taking so long, guys, and about not being around much recently. I've been busier than I have in a while, and it just kept slipping my mind between uni applications and volunteering and all sorts- for some reason I thought we were much further off a new post.
If there is anything I haven't responded to, as of now, I'm
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/ Willow - 4
Zoom is angry, but not angry enough. Kryptongirl, their new friend who punches people in the face with enough force to send her fist straight through their head, demands that they stay together. Willow is adamant about this as well. She knows Dixie wants it too, and knows that Kalda is lonely enough to agree to just about anything.
The Joker is a little irritated as well, but when he sees the amount of blood that drips from their clothes his lips turn up into a smile. He’s proud, she can tell, of Dixie, and maybe even of Will.
Black Manta actually left the ocean to be here, and Kalda is blushing and bowing because of it. He does not look upset, instead he seems contented that she has made friends and has been following his orders to a T. A light feeling bursts in Will’s chest at her friend’s happiness.
FlashShe rushes to Zoom, pushing aside Lex Luthor (who looks more amused than anything, eyeing his creation calculatingly) in order to beg forgiveness of her mentor ( ... )
I'm sorry I'm not coherent I'm just excited to see what comes next. And why Rae doesn't join (if she doesn't join). Also how Apollo joins up, especially considering that unlike in the show, where Artemis didn't know Roy beforehand, Apollo knows Rae, and vice versa.
And M'rgan! M'rgan's coming too!
Rae has a good reason for not joining and her and Apollo's relationship is actually super important. ;)
AND MORGAN. Love him. Thanks!
/ Morgan - 3
Psimon tells him that he has a choice.
‘You have a choice.’
He can join others like him, better than normal humans, or simply… less mad than most humans. He doesn’t have to be quite as lonely anymore.
‘You don’t have to be lonely.’
M’rgann agrees immediately, and gathers his bioship with his mind. His lovely bioship. Psimon does not know of its existence and Morgan plans on keeping it that way.
‘You don’t have to be afraid.’
He leaves without saying goodbye because Psimon does not believe in goodbyes. No one on Mars did either.
‘You don’t have to want.’
He meets them, and he is finally complete. They are exactly like in his dreams, only better. Because they’re real.
‘You don’t have to need.’
He loves her especially because he knows from the minute his mind lickstastesswallows hers, that they are the same. That they have always been the same. He wants to bond with her very soul, if she had one. If he had one.
‘You don’t even have to change.’
And the others-the others. ( ... )
/ Apollo - 4
His mother produces an escape. Jade is gone.
Where are you, my brother?
Rae has disappeared.
Where are you, my sister?
Father is furious.
Where are you, my father?
His mother lets him escape.
I see you, my mother.
Apollo finds the base with ease, shrugging of the tail his father sends after him effortlessly because the tail is a moron. He enters the base with ease as well, but knows that’s only because they want him there.
Well, except for the redhead.
Giggles greets him, face as incongruously plastered in maquillage as the newspaper photographs. She, of course, is giggling. He accepts her handshake, but shies away from the lick she attempts to give his face. That’s a little too close for comfort. Dixie, as she tells him to call her, has cropped black hair falling around her face, cute little ( ... )
This made me melt. I am melting. The italics are finally coming together in the most effective way possible, and and and @_@
The character descriptions are beautiful, and I have no idea why Morgan remembers/knows about the Team but he does and why is this whole thing so gorgeous. The Team forming is always the part of AUs that makes me the meltiest, every single time. Something about how it doesn't matter what 'verse they're in or what's happened to them or how they've changed, fandom states they'll always find each other. The power of friendship in a story morally devoid mini supervillains is just. Just. What was Apollo's description of Giggle's eyes? Rainbows and shooting stars. (Also, Dixie tried to lick him. XD ( ... )
A lot of Willow's feelings are actually kind of cannon! But don't worry, she'll warm up to him! :) And I never thought of him as a constellation, but that's actually a really good idea!
/ Dixie - 4
It’s just her and Willow, now, alone on the bed. The others took a mission, but left them behind because Will’s ankle is sprained badly (stupid Captain Adam!) and Dixie wanted to take care of her. Right now, though, Will’s taking care of her.
They lie on the bed, and Dixie’s back is pressing into the mattress. Willow squirms above her, straddling her middle, eyes gleaming like precious stones in the starlight that filters through their window.
Dixie shudders underneath her, fingers clawing at the sheets in desperation as Will’s fingers gently pry her apart, vibrating against her core deliciously. She’s so close that her insides swell with it, swell with the scent and touch and thought of WillowWillowWillow all over.
She’s naked, and her tiny thirteen year old body, with her breasts still blossoming, legs still lengthening, and everything else in between is aching with development. It’s a human body, ( ... )
/ Rae - 3
She left because she had to. Instead of destroying Oliver Queen, like originally planned, Rae joins him. But she cannot tell her friends that. Ollie, as he implores her to call him, has a plan, and all he needs is an inside guy, and he chooses her. He may not know what he’s done, in the past-indirectly to her future-but he is making amends for it now. Rae does not hate him so much now that she is far, far away from Lawrence.
But Ollie is not the reason she becomes a better person.
In the forest, there lies a monster,
Perhaps it is because of Dinah, or Black Canary, that she does. Dinah looks at her with all the tender sincerity of a mother, in a way that Paula could never even attempt. Dinah helps her understand herself, sits her down and talks with her and learns about her. It is… nice to know, at least, that there is a reason she’s so ( ... )
/ Kryptongirl - 4
Even though she’s still angry [at the world, at her genetic donors, at everyone], she finds it extremely difficult to loathe any of her teammates. They are all, in a word that the G-gnomes implanted in her brain, very charming. Even Morgan, who she distrusts, and Apollo, who she does not understand.
Missions, however, are going well. Kryptongirl loves them.
As I understand, humans feel,
The addition of Morgan, while not entirely welcome, has been imperative to their team. Connecting their brains, their thoughts, their [hearts] and [souls] is everything Kryptongirl ever wanted. They make her feel so human. Almost real, like she isn’t an unwanted accident. It is breathtaking.
She's going to make sure their connection never wavers, never breaks. She needs them, needs this, now. It is her very own kryptonite, her own sun, in a way.
they feel everything intenselyKryptongirl killed at Cadmus, during the ( ... )
M’rgann is tricky. Half of him is genuine, bringing them burnt cookies that only Willow can bear to eat, floating bodies for Dixie and Will so that they don’t get too scuffed up before dissection, even kindly opening the door for Kalda whenever their esteemed leader must enter a room. The other half, though, honestly terrifies Kryptongirl, because she does not understand it, not one bit. This half of him makes her lick her lips as he burns these humans alive in a fit of ironic sadism or, maybe, moral disinterest. This half is the difference between Morgan and M’rgann, and it is grotesquely gorgeous, divinely deadly, and ethically eclipsed. Kryptongirl doesn’t trust Morgan because she knows nothing about him, but she does adore him for creating the union between the team.
but more than an object, forever cursed to both feel and not feel at the same time.Apollo is… confusing. He has a penchant for being as crass and crude as Willow, but also a gentleman, at times. Kryptongirl thinks that if ( ... )
This is why I've always loved this AU so much, I think. I've just been trying to find the right way to put it for a while. In a world that is completely warped and disturbing, there's been hope through the whole thing. This stands out among all of the other genderbent AUs, and evil AUs, because there's been a twistedly optimistic undercurrent through this whole thing and I love it. Instead of the feeling that "everything is bad in this verse and people are screwed up and isn't it sad and then they all died" (which can be really effective and haunting), they find something better in each other and there was the movement towards, maybe not salvation, but whatever their own screwed up version of the light would be. And even if for some ( ... )
Hope is a big thing for me. A lot of this fic is inspired by episodes of Criminal Minds I've watched (and I've watched them all) because I like to analyze their minds and stuff, and I think that everyone deserves/has a little hope in them. Now that they've found each other, they have a lot.
I hate to tell you this, and I can't tell you too much for fear of revealing everything, but there is going to be a lot of tragedy. Not everyone is going to die, but there is going to be death and sadness and I may even make you cry :(.
And yes. PLOOOOOT. It's not even planned plot, it just snuck in. :0
I have mixed feelings about Rae becoming a super, but that's just because I feel it might ruin the OTTeam aspect of this story which I love. OTTeam is kind of my favorite pairing, and I love it here.
I also loved how Dixie seemed to get more human/less insane while she and Willow were having sex as shown in the italics. I thought that was great. I also loved the bit of Spitfire that you sneaked in with Apollo fixating on Willow.
/ Morgan - 4
Today they must defeat Klarion, a particularly troublesome sorceress of chaos, who has chosen to tease the path between villainous and heroic. Originally Psimon and Luthor’s orders had been to capture her for brainwashing, or at least trigger an official transition onto their side, but Klarion had proved to be tricky.
Too tricky-it's time to take her out.
There is an old Martian tale about family.
Morgan floats above the ground, invisible to all except for other Martians and waits. They will destroy this Klarion, and then the Injustice League will give them more presents. Willow and Dixie love presents, Kalda finds them sweet, if unnecessary, Apollo looks at the gifts with a pleased suspicion, and Kryptongirl delights in them. Morgan loves it when his teammates’ minds fill with the light that these gifts bring them, and hates the pain that emanates through their brains whenever they are punished.
It says ( ... )
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