Is there someway we can have people NOT reposting prompts from the first meme onto the second? I mean it kinda defeats the purpose of having the second meme for prompting and the space for filling on the first if everyone just reposts stuff from the 1st to the 2nd.
I agree with you. It's not that difficult for anyone that's curious, to just go through the pages of Prompt 1. Especially if they're searching for a particular character, all they have to do is use a "Find" search and flip right through them.
Suggestion to awesome mod!
February 27 2011, 04:19:43 UTC
Hey, so I notice that we've moved on to a second entry for fills. Which is awesome; go all of us! And you're allowing prompters to repost, which is a fine thing.
However, might I suggest requesting that re-posters leave a comment on the original thread, letting the first OP know about the repost, maybe leaving a link to the new prompt thread? That way not only will the OP be able to find it, but writers looking through past pages will know to post their fills at the new thread and not the old one.
Comments 6569
However, might I suggest requesting that re-posters leave a comment on the original thread, letting the first OP know about the repost, maybe leaving a link to the new prompt thread? That way not only will the OP be able to find it, but writers looking through past pages will know to post their fills at the new thread and not the old one.
I've been in memes where ALL comments are over with when the part gets closed and you have to post fills in the next part with a link.
Just curious as to how we're doing this.
I swear Im gonna fill something
give me a moment to dskgjksgesj with this useless post.
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