Dear Fans,
Today I decided to update my live journal. I haven't really gotten into the mood to update, but I need to soon. I just realized my last post was about two months ago now and I feel like I'm not any closer to June 17th than I did last post. I am closer to June 17th though, so I hope I'm more ready!
Yesterday at work I read an article that was on slashdot in some spare time. I realized that I can't afford to let any of my skills that I had in college go to waste or let them not be used. A few days ago I had to write a basic c++ program to write output to a file and I found myself having to look up the commands to open and close a file! I can't believe something I used every other week for several years has left my memory in such a small time. I'm going to have to think up some other small projects... I do not want to see any of my knowledge or skills go to waste. I know I can still pick them back up now, but if I don't use something for more than a few years, I might have a hard time breaking that... I think I want to start contributing to some sort of open source project as a hobby. I know it's going to be a bit tough because I'm tired of computers when I get home from work, but lately I haven't been working as many hours per week as I was a couple of months ago, and I think it's going to stay that way for a while. I can certainly contribute so I think I'm going to! I'll let you know how this goes!!
List of things to completely straighten out before I get hitched:
1) One thing I need to try to do is not waste as much time.
2) Get better at hiding presents.
3) Cook crabs myself to impress Liz with my fine seafood cooking skills.
4) Relax.
I don't plan to do these things all at once.
One more thing: I HAVE RETIRED FROM BOWLING! My retirement was about 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it. I have decided to take up another easy-to-learn-but-frustrating-to-master sport. Golf.
I'll try to update a few more times before my wedding!