Remember when you said "I think that anyone who is gored/injured/ killed in Pamplona gets what they deserve."? Well I stumbled on this article today and thought of you. But be forewarned. Its kinda gnarly. No blood. But still gnarly.
Comments 6
At first I just noticed the horn in the leg. Then as I looked at it more and saw how it was under the skin. That's great. Disgusting but great.
P.S. - No matter how many times I see it, that icon still cracks me up.
What a horrible series of emotions that evoked from me:
1.) I see I'm being sent to Snopes
2.) I see the picture
3.) I think, "wow..that's pretty good Photoshoping"
4.) I see the word "True" above the picture
5.) My muscles seize in a horrible, contorted position, and I want to click it away, but I cannot.
This is explicitly why it is a bad idea to fuck with large, angry horned creatures.
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