If I was not in love with the series before, I definetly am now.
I just finnished reading the final file of the Mystery Train arc (File 818-824) wish was translated and released by the wonderful
DCTP just about two hours ago. It was truly an experience to read, really the whole arc was, new twists and revelations in almost every chapter.
Now before you proceed reading this post: if you've not at least read up to file 800 this post might contain spoilers of the series and I would advice you not to read further.
In my opinion the Mystery Train arc is the best arch to this date, even better than The Return (file 646-651) which have been my favorite up to now. Wether this is just that the thrill of reading the resolution hasn't faded yet, or the fact that it's past 3:15 in the morning or actually is because the case is so great, I can't say yet. Im really hoping for the last though.
I'm not going to spoil the ending of the arc for anyone that haven't read it yet, so don't worry about that. If you haven't read file 818-823 though there will be some slight spoilers (hopefully nothing to really ruin the experience).
There have been about two hundred chapters since the last mayor Syndicate arc and it's been building slowly towards a new one. The last arc especially almost commanded for one, and here it is!
The building has as I've already said been slow, with Akai's murder(?) all back in file 609; the warnng of the new agent, Bourbon, on the move and the introduction of Okiya Subaru in file 622-624; Scar Akai's first appearance in file 677; Sera Masumi's introduction in file 768-770; the introduction of Amuro Tōru in file 793-795; Vermouth's conversation with Bourbon in file 800; and finally the Cabin Trap arc (file 815-817).
So before the arc begins, I want to look at a few questions and theories:
Who is Bourbon?
Okiya have long been suspected as being the new Syndicate member, though Sera and Amuro are also quite suspicios. After file 800 we know it has to be one of those three.
Is Akai Dead?
A lot of people don't think so, they think he's either Scar Akai or Okiya.
Who is Scar Akai?
There are two main theories. 1) He is Akai or 2) he is Bourbon in disguise, trying to figure out if Akai really is dead.
Who is Okiya?
Most agree that he is either Akai in disguise or Bourbon.
Who is Sera, and what is her connection to Akai?
There is a chance that she's Bourbon (likely in disguise if that's the case), but she might also be related to Akai, in which case she's most likely his sister.
Who is Amuro?
He might be just another detective, or he might be Bourbon. All we know for sure is that he was a friend of the late Date Wataru.
Guess what? All of these questions will be answered one by one in this arc! And that's not even all of the revelations this arc has in store for you! I don't want to spoil the other's for you though.
This is a must read! Oh, and reemember if a character is mentioned, there is always a good reason for that. ;)
That's all from me tonight. See you another time