Your blog looks nice, even so it would be far better if you’ll be able to use lighter colors too as a professional design. This will make sure that a lot more readers come to check it out.Informative post by the way!
That is really helpful. It provided me a number of ideas and I'll be placing them on my web site eventually. I'm bookmarking your blog and I'll be back. Thanks again!
hi! looking for a ficryuzeJuly 2 2011, 11:17:05 UTC
Hi! found my way here from sherlockbbc. You had posted 2 chapters of 'Endless Blue' in March and I was wondering if it was continued elsewhere. Going to go look at more of your stories now!
Re: hi! looking for a ficymingaAugust 19 2011, 15:55:36 UTC
Hi! I'm so sorry to be answering so late, my alerts haven't worked for a while so I just periodically check there are no new comments on my fics, but I didn't think to check this post ^^"
Endless Blue is always in a small corner of my mind but everything I had written for it (and especially the plot!) was deleted when my computer crashed a few months ago and I'm feeling pretty discouraged about trying to write it all once again. That said I never know when/what about inspiration will strike, so we'll see! I sincerely apologize if you're disappointed, but I also want to thank you for being kind enough to ask me about it, it sort of feels like a compliment in spite of my guilt!
Comments 4
Endless Blue is always in a small corner of my mind but everything I had written for it (and especially the plot!) was deleted when my computer crashed a few months ago and I'm feeling pretty discouraged about trying to write it all once again. That said I never know when/what about inspiration will strike, so we'll see! I sincerely apologize if you're disappointed, but I also want to thank you for being kind enough to ask me about it, it sort of feels like a compliment in spite of my guilt!
Many hugs <3
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