Title: Systems
Pairings: Brittana, Kum
Length: ~3500 words
Dedicated to my dear Aidan, for his birthday <3
Summary: Hogwarts is great, of course it is, and Sam loves it there - but sometimes he can't help but feel like something is missing. That's when an exchange student is announced at the welcoming feast...
Systems, part one )
Comments 4
Like, it's just so perfect so far, and your sorting of the gleeks completely coincides with my own.
I'm souped for Kum development (and maybe a side of Brittana?)
I'm not sure when I'll get to write more of this, considering college has been keeping me pretty busy, but I promise it's always in a small corner of my mind :D
And to answer your question yeah, there'll be Brittana, as well as quite a few other pairings, though it'll stay mainly Kum-centric ^^
Hugs :)
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