Denmark tries; he tries hard, he tries everything, and he manages with fervor unmatched. Not to say he is overzealous in everything, after all, not everything is worth pursuing at full strength all of the time, but for those things he prizes -- they are. And he'll be sure to pursue them, after all, he's the biggest brother of Northern Europe (never mind how tall the Swede is, that yeti) and he will let the others know what he's thinking and doing, unbidden.
Still, friendly, friendly. It's the first thing one would notice upon meeting Denmark; an at-ease personality, the disarming smile of a person who is pleasant to look at and talk to, and knows so. He is never awkward, even if he should be, and he’ll put others at ease - if he wants to. A knowledge of personal space doesn't stop him from completely disrespecting it, the first to put a hand on another's arm or leg, poke at another with his foot or casually drape his arm over another's shoulders. Once past a first meeting, however, one will know that he is proud. Proud, not only of a culture, land, and people that reach back into time, but stubborn, arrogant, bossy, a touch manipulative, and gaining intense pleasure when he gets what he wants - particularly when it comes to his neighbors, his fellow Nordics.
To Denmark, Norway is his best friend, and even though Denmark isn't quite as oblivious to the other nation's subtle, undercutting mocking as Norway likes to believe, he does know that it's Norge's way or the highway these days when his friend has had enough. Nevertheless even a grumpy Norway is better than no Norway at all, but that still doesn't mean Denmark isn't always setting his toes over the line -- yet he has become a bit more mellow, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of his actions with Norway only a bit more than he used to. But always, given an inch, he will take a mile. He still likes to see himself, Norway, and Iceland as some type of family.
Sweden is another animal, and indeed, animal is a good way to describe Denmark's interactions with the other nation. Despite their ancient history, Sweden gives Denmark a perpetual source of the novel, of experimentation, a chance to constantly push buttons until he's gotten that one thing that will make Sweden react on any given day. And then he jabs at it perpetually. He knows Norway and Sweden better than any of the other nations, but Sweden is the only one that can give Denmark that small taste of what things were at an intense enough level to sate him. After all, the world can pluck him from his former aggressive ways, but can never fully take them out of the Dane. And really he respects Sweden's strength as much as he respects anybody else's, but he never was one to shy away from a challenge just because he wasn't sure if he could win. Still, in the 21st century, they are more likely to share beer than blows. This goes for a lot of the other nations as well; he's much more easygoing than he used to be, and not everything is a challenge to be fought -- not anymore.
His Nordic brothers might be surprised to know that the aggravating and persistent Dane has a method in his madness, being happiest when he’s together with his closest friends-even if he has to make them stay. He maintains always an interest in their doings, and is prone to drop by unannounced. There has always been affection born out of a desire to look out for them, but his arrogance sometimes spoils it (if they had just let him take care of things, he knew best and they are the ones that left and on and on). The Dane would do a lot for those he cares most about, and can surprise them with acts of kindness or selflessness, and is above all helpful when the need arises. He can be depended on to follow through - just so long as you’re doing things his way, that selfish and petty pride interfering with his common sense. Around other non-Nordic nations the Dane is more wary, but is extremely good at hiding his hesitancy behind a light-hearted and playful façade, being naturally optimistic and determined. He enjoys being happy, jovial, and even rambunctious in the brisk weather of his territory, but is just as content in front of a comfortable fire devoid of distraction or nuisance. Just so long as he isn’t alone; unless he chooses to be, he’s rarely so sad as he when he is by himself.
He's the embodiment of one of Europe's oldest nations; give him somewhere cozy and warm, something good to eat and drink, amiable company, and you'll have a hard time rousing him out of it. His personality is permeated by an overarching sense of well-being, even when he misses older times. Any melancholy he has tends to stem from nostalgia reaching far back into his long history, and a loneliness that he's loathe to admit.