At last! I finally got around to photographing The Calendar, which is a result of the six-week printmaking course that just finished up on the 3rd. It was a personal directions course, meaning we get to develop our own projects rather than follow a set criteria, so I decided to make something functional and decorative
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Comments 6
If you want any concrit, I would say July and Dec are the least successful. July because of the whitish background which doesn't really correspond to any of the other months and December for the black, same reason. Also, a nice way to be like "there is no reason to plant shit in December" would have been to have a fallow field or empty beds.
As you can see, I have been studying art for many, many moons and so critique is basically second nature. Looks lovely, though. Are the months for 2012?
I liked July's image, but you're right, the pink came out REALLY pale. (I tried a darker pink but it looked BLEH.) The December is actually dark blue, but the fallow field would have been good. Now that I think about it. One week after the fact. >.>
Critiques are my least favorite thing. Most the time I want to toss the project on the teacher's desk and make a break for the door.
I don't like critiques because I feel like I never get good ones, but I've gotten really good at giving them, I think.
And you haven't seen any of my prints because I haven't scanned any of my prints. I haven't scanned or photographed a lot of my work. This is why you haven't seen any of my paintings either.
And don't be embarrassed by your cats. We have our share of felines who refuse to move unless it's a life or death situation. We're talking house fire. "House is in flames! We might die if we don't move!"
They flicked their tails at birds? Hilarious. What vicious killing machines you have. :D
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