(no subject)

Aug 18, 2004 10:25

quotes/memories/convos of the summer that i saved and loved

stalemate17: Timber me Bimble Sponk
Daniar: okay when's wednesday?
elisha: after tuesday...who asks that?!
scott: but i do think your swell. oh man, i just definitely used the word swell
Corey: it was brief, but it SMACKED of love
elisha: her boobs are fake! that is all i have to say
Ben: I can never tell...i'm like boob retarded
"Hullo Baybee...Follow me"
"Oh lord! Wontchu buy me...a mercedes benz"
Sarah: im gonna cheer for the other team. What's their name again?
Kally: Ottawa
Sarah: oh, where are they from?
emily: I just want you all to know...that if i don't catch a ball today..ill be okay
daniar: basically she is defined as a sucky suck suck girl who basically sucks!
chad: oh man they're having sex right in front of us in their car!
lish: chad they are sitting 2 feet away from each other
chad: thats all i need!
lish: ohhhh potat-
aMiCoRe3: i was about ready to call you and say "YOU HATE ME RIGHT NOW "!
aMiCoRe3: then you flipped me off
(he did say flicked...but who says that?)
"You have a chicken nugget in your cheek!"
e l l i    702: suh weetin
starryniteDC: low!
starryniteDC: haha i think im so funny
-selling copies of my social psych project and making 35 dollars
-reminiscing about the old times with danielle and crying after the Rock House show
-stupid YMCA shows that piss me off
-late night trips to mcdonalds to get mcflurries
-creepy guys at the drive-thru
-singing happy birthday to chad
-parents going to maine and the boys coming over late and stay unil 2 AM
-pauls humungous camp fires
-more coventry boys
-drive-in with ryan paul chad jaymz and ryans brother
-Shrek 2
-the ride home
-the weird 'cult' behind my house
-making friends with kate and having 'girl talk' and creating our jungle around my pool
-basketball game in coventry
-dennys with delvina
-shopping with chad
-wendys nights
-last camp fire at the picards
-crying after talking to tony on the phone in front of everyone
-"she said tell mrs zoooonfrilli i said hi."
-swimming at billys house in his clothes
-bloody nose pictures
-"my bosoms are out!"
-stealing his dvds
-"i have miracle grow on my crotch!"
-waking up and mom was in the hospital
-freaking out and calling nicole crying hysterically at 7:30
NeverLand789: what are u doing
e l l i 702: LOVING YOU
-N I K H O L E 87 (12:12:22 AM): I def. have a fork to eat my icecream with.
N I K H O L E 87 (12:12:23 AM): that sucks
N I K H O L E 87 (12:12:54 AM): i am just so HAPPY that the world around me does not funtion right
N I K H O L E 87 (12:12:57 AM): well i don't function right!
e l l i 702 (12:13:29 AM): i wish i was your happiness
e l l i 702 (12:13:30 AM): lol
e l l i 702 (12:13:32 AM): well wow
e l l i 702 (12:13:34 AM): that sounded SO gay
N I K H O L E 87 (12:22:09 AM): I went some french flys!
-meeting hal
-wedding story
-picking up tony from the airport
-taco bell with a stoned rachel and cathy..
-the ride home
-meeting dustin!
-"It's like..Oooohhh im a ball!!! Hey, nice balls!"
-biggie and smalls
-summer mix
-nicoles attempt at making a camp fire
-s'mores for breakfast
-hair dying
-"Billy's trying to tell me that we only need ONE package!"
-"Wanna cut my toenails?!"
DaNiAR115 (12:25:00 AM): i dont like to mungle yo shorts
DaNiAR115 (12:25:08 AM): munch*
e l l i    702 (12:25:10 AM): IMmah mungle yo ass
DaNiAR115 (12:25:21 AM): lol oh no you are not!
DaNiAR115 (12:25:31 AM): you dont mungle me
DaNiAR115 (12:25:35 AM): like you so cool
e l l i    702 (12:25:59 AM): psh immah mungle all i wanna mungle. im a mungling FOO!
e l l i    702 (12:26:32 AM): yeah GOOD one
DaNiAR115 (12:26:34 AM): i want food
e l l i    702 (12:26:44 AM): --|--
e l l i    702 (12:26:49 AM): (thats me sticking up my middle finger)
e l l i    702 (12:26:53 AM): i do too.
e l l i    702 (12:26:54 AM): we fat
DaNiAR115 (12:27:34 AM): WE FAT HOs
e l l i    702 (12:27:45 AM): eat a dingo.
DaNiAR115 (12:27:55 AM): the dnigo ate mah baby
e l l i    702 (12:28:10 AM): ill eat your babya lright.
DaNiAR115 (12:28:30 AM): GET IN MAH BELLAH
e l l i    702 (12:13:28 AM): ok 5 colors!
NeverLand789 (12:14:03 AM): yellow
NeverLand789 (12:14:05 AM): blue
NeverLand789 (12:14:08 AM): colors??!?!
NeverLand789 (12:14:12 AM): we never did this before
NeverLand789 (12:14:17 AM): not blue
NeverLand789 (12:14:19 AM): erase blue
NeverLand789 (12:14:24 AM): i was turquoise
NeverLand789 (12:14:26 AM): lavendar
NeverLand789 (12:14:29 AM): periwinkle
e l l i    702 (12:14:37 AM): why are you so TECHNICAL!
e l l i    702 (12:14:44 AM): what about white black pink blue...none of this FANCY SHIT!
NeverLand789 (12:14:44 AM): lol cuz i love you
e l l i    702 (12:14:47 AM): aw alright
e l l i    702 (12:14:50 AM): fair enough bean sprout
NeverLand789 (12:14:51 AM): ooo pink
e l l i    702 (12:15:07 AM): ok number of kids
e l l i    702 (12:15:12 AM): dont overanalyze this now...
e l l i    702 (12:15:14 AM): just numbers.
NeverLand789 (12:15:26 AM): 1.33
e l l i    702 (12:15:37 AM): kill you!
e l l i    702 (12:16:44 AM): GOD
e l l i    702 (12:16:47 AM): NUMBERS PLEASE?!
e l l i    702 (12:16:48 AM): you have ONE
NeverLand789 (12:16:59 AM): i need 5???
e l l i    702 (12:22:56 AM): Alright...you are going to be married to GEOFF, living in florida, you will be a housewife, and drive a periwinkle BMW (cuz ya gay) and you will live in a shack.
-9 bags of ice
-quick trips
-applying at tim hortons
-dance parties
-dustin and tony
-Groton Fireworks
-yelling at billy for talking like this: "WHAT UP THUG?!" in front of a ton of black people in the middle of some ghetto
-my ugly tim hortons uniform
-night time rides to get fast food with paul
-Shotty rules
-fights with my dad
-sneaking around with jamie
-BILLYS CAR RUNNING OUT OF GAS ON DANIELLES ROAD and sitting there for so long waiting for my brother. it was so funny
-smugglin meatballs!
-drama with hal
-velvet teen
-ride to dennys
-makeout sessions
-wendys for 3 hours with jamie
-free biggie sized sprite
-country bear
-the guy who asked us if we wanted to take a few shots of JD
-ride to CT and ride back with my hair highlighting cap on
-the ghost in my room
-whirl pool at billys
-camp fires at billys
-dinners at billys
e l l i 702 (7:36:46 PM): maybe you need some ben gay!
e l l i 702 (7:36:50 PM): OH MAN!
e l l i 702 (7:36:53 PM): THAT WAS SO NEAT!
e l l i 702 (7:36:57 PM): only you arent gay!
Benard Ferguson (7:37:07 PM): but i've ben gay
e l l i 702 (7:37:33 PM): HAHAHA
punkdivo1978: THEN, i told myself "self, what if she slipped it through the window?"
-leaving notes in jamies car
-getting into fights with my parents about hanging out with jamie
-seeing him anyways
-hanging out at hv elementary school until 10:30 at night eating wendys in the parking lot and nicole learning how to skate
-mcdonalds with billy and everyone
-volleyball in the parking lot
-the ride home...non stop laughing
-going to lickety splits with sarah and parking in the drive thru back at work
-"Sorry...i dont drive!"
-baseball game with tim hortons
-"I just want to let you know...that if I dont catch a ball today...ill be okay."
-sheba pooping in joes shoes
-paul and chad wearing my pants and my jacket
-dying chads hair
-the guy wearing a pink thong at tim hortons
-straightening pauls hair
-"simon said i was good"
-Paul and Brian from myspace
-paul w's balls
-jitterbug night at work
-"Woah! That line drive was nuts!"
-washington county fair traffic for an hour and 45 minutes
-mish's mix CDs
-running kids over in front of her house
-dying her hair
-the suicide song
-ice cream punchers
-hanging out with scott
-my underoath t-shirt
-beaver river playground with paul
-swimming in the river
-sun tanning
-his bum coming out at lickety splits
i dont know...i have to add more to the list, but i think a lot of the pictures will make up for what i missed

Pictures of the good times:

paul dancing at the Rock House

all the weird rain we had and pretty skiiiiies

nights at dennys

billy's road kill

first camp fire @ billys

ms. 55


band practice

Paul day

driving lucy

manhunt '05

hair styling

addicted to wendys

Oh how i hate YMCA shows, but i love ryanny

chad cant open his eyes

burning chair

hair straightening

this is what i love

paul is my friend haha

bloody face!

billy got thrown into the pool


mmmm hmm


ryanny's "scenic" pictures

justin and danielle beating each other up



danielle is 5


this was fun



dustin and tony


4th of july

synchronized swimming...kinda

house on wheels

whoaa delvina

smugglin meatballs!


out of gas

hair dying

paul photoshoot

straight hair

the jacket

"since when is he a mutant with an inhaler?"

dying chads hair

wet butt

paul and brian





fair traffic


bahahaha after work i changed my clothes (in my car haha). went to meet billy, sean e, britt, and daniar at wendys. ate a meal...felt sick. we left and went to beaver river, but they went a totally different way. me and danielle sat there for a few minutes and decided it was too creepy so we went and got ice water at DD, and then to my house to pick up my old computer monitor for her so she can try to get online, adn then we called billy and he was @ beaver river...so we went there. heather and nicole and brett b were there now also. took lots of pics that ill post tomorrow cuz im too lazy. we stayed there for a while. heather got sick from the tire swing i felt bad. then we left and went to mcdonalds and i got a mcflurry of delicioussness!!!! we sat and talked at the tables...nik brett b and heather left cuz heather was still sick :( then i went home and went online.
i hated that. i hate myself tonight. i have been a shitty person this entire week. i just want my friends back...i want it to be back to normal. i hate how everything feels right now.

and paul, im sorry. i love you. <3

remind me never to act this way again...
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