So, basically, my job is to babysit the music school. Which means I sit around and do nothing at all.
So if you go to the site will generate random images pulled from journals on LJ. I clicked on it, and here are the top 15 most awesome pictures (in my opinion) from the 250 results I got. They aren't in any particular order.
1. These guys are total pimps fo sho.
TFD Random Picture Generator2. How do you get to where you need to go? Oh, I take the catobus.
TFD Random Picture Generator3. I'm so sorry that my tears drowned your cat.
TFD Random Picture Generator4. Yeah, how hard is it to understand Wild Cherry Pepsi
TFD Random Picture Generator5. This dog is more coordinated than I am.
TFD Random Picture Generator6. "Your lack of scrabble skill dissapoints me"
TFD Random Picture Generator7. I can relate to this picture. I miss my jean jacket.
TFD Random Picture Generator8. Superman says NO, Jimmy Olsen, you may not be adopted by a wealthy man who will give you a good home.
TFD Random Picture Generator9. Take one more step and the doll DIES.
TFD Random Picture Generator10. FAIL.
TFD Random Picture Generator11. I want to be this guy when I grow up.
TFD Random Picture Generator12. Woooooo!
TFD Random Picture Generator13. SIGH.
TFD Random Picture Generator14. Oooh a VG cats comic showed up. I like this one too!
TFD Random Picture Generator15. Sweeeeet.
TFD Random Picture Generator