First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Chapel
Last word you said: 'hi'
Last song you sang: "It's all good' - Damien Dempsey
Last song stuck in your head: My little empire - MSP
What's in your CD player: Damien Dempsey
What color socks are you wearing: creamy...they have cows on :-D
What's under your bed: a draw and a big backpack
What's the weather like: warmish, but a wee bit cloudy
What time did you wake up today: 8hrs 45
Who do you want to marry: we'll see
Are you going to college: at uni now
Where do you want to go: at Lancaster
What is your career going to be: business / history I have not much of a clue!
Where are you going to live: EVERYWHERE!
How many kids do you want: not even sure if I want any!!! We'll see!
Kids' names: Zara, Sebastain, Somesuch ;-)
Where do you want your honeymoon: ? somewhere I havent been
What kind of car will you have: an austin martin