Day 11 - Favourite reccuring character
This one was kind of hard to decide...HIMYM has fantastic characters outside of the main cast.
There's Ranjit, who is wonderful in every way - "Heeello everybody!"
There was Gael - the only other boyfriend of Robin's I ever approved of outside of The Barnacle... purely because he was hot.. like... really hot...
And of course, there's the awesomeness that is JAMES STINSON!
Let's not forget Brad, Wendy the Waitress, Carl the Bartender, Scooter... the list of greats go on...
However, I'm going to have to give this one to:
Yes, Ted's douchiest of douches girlfriend Karen (and that's sugar-coating it)! XD
Why? Because, it's Karen! She's so far up her own ass that she can't see anything outside of it... and when put on TV, she's by far the most amusing and entertaining character ever! Seriously, I struggle to think of a time when I HAVEN'T laughed when Karen was on! :D
More Karen please! XD
Day 12 - Favourite one-off character
This wasn't as hard to choose from, since it's not like I remember too many one off characters off the top of my head... so I'm giving this one to one of my favourites of Ted's girlfriends...
I love Cathy because she has the ability to talk and talk and talk speaking of which I know someone else who can talk a lot my Dad who is not Bob Barker unlike Barney's dad but wasn't he just awesome on The Price is Right I love that show having people guess at all the different prices and as Barney would say promoting consumerism because I love buying things especially from ebay so which do you prefer online shopping or going to the store because online shopping is convenient but going to the store is faster I waited a whole ten days for my dvd once from amazon it was Dr horrible's sing-a-long blog have you seen it Neil Patrick Harris is fantastic in it and have you heard he's going to be in the Smurfs I used to love the smurfs as a kid those little blue men and that one girl one like snow white which was strange because why was she hanging out with those short little men to begin with you know who else is short Ping ping, the shortest man in the Guinness book of world records from china he passed away not too long ago though very sad stuff almost a tragedy like Romeo and Juliet which I read in Year 10 ...
On a different note, just came back from a Japanese barbecue buffet and absolutely STUFFED now. I had five serves of ice-cream to top it off too... I feel accomplished! *maybe a tad gluttonous...*