survived science presentation dispite starting a flare. here's helpful excerpts. i'll probably update this later but right now i am very tired. starting a flare? something.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of chronic pain, fatigue and sensitivity-amplification. It is also a systemic neurotransmitter dysregulation with many biochemical causes (in essence, the central nervous system is messed up).
syndrome: a group of problems and symptoms that occur together that have no known cause
Symptoms go through cycles of strength and can last anywhere from seconds to months. It is non-progressive but symptoms can develop from already existing conditions, making it seem like it's progressive.
Pain comes from the central nervous system, not bones or muscles. It's main function is to serve as a warning that something is wrong.
Chronic pain: pain that lasts consistently over a long time period
-usually associated with incurable conditions or diseases
Acute pain: pain that comes quickly but lasts a short time
-can be severe
Chronic pain is very different for acute pain
-with acute pain, you know that it will soon end and will be gone,
making it easier to tolerate
Here are some words that can be used to describe chronic pain:
pulsing, throbbing, radiating, tugging, tearing,sharp, pinching, stabbing, piercing, gnawing, cramping, numb, squeezing, hot, icy, crushing
Symptoms in FMA go in cycles. Sometimes they are strong, sometimes they go into remission. Each symptom follows a different cycle.
Flare: when all symptoms activate and increase in intensity
-new symptoms often appear during this time period
-usually triggered by an activity or stressor
this could mean a test, a thunder storm, taking a trip, allergies, menstrual cycle, or a temperature change to list a few
fibrofog: name given by fibromites to periods of a mental state of confusion of extreme levels/cognitive impairment
-seems to be caused by a problem with the brain's ability to complete
memory functions
-often occurs during a flare, though it can happen outside of it as well
Some flare symptoms include:
-short term memory loss
-difficulty remembering where you put things
-difficulty remembering plans
-difficulty with language, including trouble holding conversations,
understanding conversations, and expressing thoughts
-difficulty finding the "right" word to use in conversation
-trouble remembering simple numbers
-transposing letters and numbers
-trouble concentrating and focusing
-trouble retaining new information
People with FMS usually have sleeping problems, such as sleep apnea and insomnia.
Fatigue is not the same thing as being tired. Fatigue is an exhaustion that limits your daily activities. It may be a result of the HPA axis disruption. The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis is a part of the neuroendocrine system that regulates the body's energy and controls almost all hormones, nervous system activity and adjusts the immune system. People with FMS has pretty severe chemical imbalances, mostly related to this system.
Someone with FMS has a problem with the fight-or-flight response. Most likely do to the HPA axis issues, it is constantly going off but not stopping.
Often, people with FMS have symptoms that are bizarre by medical standards
Extreme sensitivity to sensations:headaches, pain, irritability
-even dim light can result in a need for sunglasses
-the noise that florescent lights make are extremely irritating
Abnormal reactions to medications
-at times, a small dosage can knock out someone with FMS
-other times, even at extreme dosages nothing will happen
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
-stop watches
-turning on electronics without touching them
-can't sleep on nights of the full moon
-can sense the weather
Bruise easily and it takes a while to heal
There is no cure and not many treatments. Most helpful things are diet and lifestyle changes. Excersise is good but is difficult do to many factors of FMS, including
Alternative medicine is often more helpful then medicine, as alternative medicine is based on helping the body get better rather than fixing one wrong thing.