Title: The Manhattan Island Isolation Experiment Rules
yojwalkcribsRating: G
Pairing: n/a
POV: n/a
Summary: Rules for the controversial Manhattan Island Isolation Experiment
Disclaimer: This is a figment of my sickly twisted mind.
Author Notes: Just so you know, you really shouldn't miss any chapters. You might get confused. :/
Previous Chapters The Manhattan Island Isolation Experiment Rules
1). No one is to leave the island unless having obtained a permit from government officials.
2). Everyone is to follow the rules set by the randomly selected leader. If the leader feels he/she is unable to fulfill his/her duties, then he/she shall appoint another member of the Experiment to take over.
3). The Experiment begins September 2nd, and ends October 2nd. There are no exceptions.
4). If you ask for food, food will be given to you. If you ask for shelter, shelter will be given to you.
5). All normal United States laws are void under the jurisdiction of the Experiment. If you commit a crime while partaking in the Experiment, your punishment may or may not be assigned at a later date.
6). There will not be contact with the outside world during the Experiment. No newspapers, news programs, or magazine are to be read/watched. Your families have been notified and they will not worry.
7). At the end of one month, you will receive $50,000 in gratitude of your participation.
8). You may not participate in the Experiment if you are not a US citizen. If this applies to you, please visit our headquarters in New York City at the Empire State Building.
9). If you have a severe medical/psychological condition, you may not participate in the Experiment, Health screenings will be held September 4th in every hospital on the island.
10). The United States government is not responsible for any damage done by your participation in the Experiment.
A/N: Sooooooo here are the rules(: I wrote pretty much all of them whenever I had free time in school. xD Except when weirdie creepers were creepin’ on me and reading it O_o lol. Comments!!!
Omg did anyone see House on Tuesday night? I cried D: Did anyone see Fringe right after that? OMFG IT WAS SO SCARY XDDD
Also, how do you teach yourself guitar? I need to learn guitar but don't have enough money for lessons :/ I took guitar for a few months last year and gave up, but I want to learn again. I can already read music. And I know a lot of people on LJ have taught themselves guitar. I'm thinking of asking this kid in my piano class because he taught himself guitar...
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Okay this A/N is too long now xDDD