
Feb 06, 2009 15:46

wow!!! it's been a while since i last updated!!! i have been so busy with so many things lately...huh...feeling kinda tired...

anyhow, updates!!!

i went back to malaysia from 20th dec to 11 jan...had a blast!!! (^o^)/ it was my second time going home since i came here (which was in march of 2006)...the last time i went home was march 2007...
a few weeks before i went home, i found out that there was a latest addition to the family!!! i have a new cousin!!! and i didn't even know that my aunt had been pregnant!!! believe it or not, no one told me!!! well, they actually thought that i had heard from one of them but nevermind, coz she is such a cutie pie!!! <333

then on my third day home, the whole family departed to medan, indonesia...it was the first family vacation in, i don't know how many years!!! but i came home later with a bad case of flu...i was coughing and sneezing, and spreading the virus to everyone around me including my elder and younger sis and also my aunt...it hadn't cured after a week and a half so we went to see a doctor...the doc said that my sis had an 'adult version' of 'demam kaki, tangan and mulut(?)'...kids sometimes get this kind of fever...i don't know what it's called in english, heck i don't even know if that's the correct malay term for it!!! as for my younger sis, she had the normal flu but for me, the doc said that it's a different type of virus and it's causing me to be asthmatic!!! so i was prescribed 5 different types of pills and i was on medication for a whole week!!! (-.-;)

so the reason i went home was that my aunt was getting married...i mean she was already married by the time i got home but i managed to attend the wedding reception!!! and she asked me to become the assistant photographer of the day coz you see, the photographer was my then-heavily-pregnant-but-had-already-gave-birth-to-a-baby-boy-2-days-before-i-went-back-tojapan aunt who could no longer stand for more than 15 mins and even had a rough time trying to sit down on the floor to take pics from a lower angle...so i proudly took the job!!! (^o^) and my aunt (the bride) said that the pics i took were saikou!!! hahahaha!!! well, let me tell you a secret...just watch the korean reality tv show 'we got married' and you can also be a brilliant wedding photographer!!! \(^o^)/

ok, so now i'm back in japan, struggling with school!!! well, i don't think struggling is the correct word though coz i don't have that many classes but i am a bit stressed out...i just finished my final exam today...yay!!!...and i will be graduating in march...but i am having problems with my research (final project)...the machine won't work well and it's giving me bad results...results that i can't use for my final presentation which is on 26, 27 feb!!! i have to finish my experiments before 18 feb!!! i don't have much time!!! and now, my lecturer is down with influenza...i don't know how long will he be on leave but what i know is that i am so ruined!!! and i have to pay my university entrance fee of 300000yen and house deposit of more than 100000yen on the same day which is on the 14th of this month!!! I NEED MONEY!!! (ToT)

well, that's basically it...oh, i've decided to stop buying all those mags coz obviously, I NEED TO SAVE!!!


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