Apr 23, 2010 08:08

♠ Class Schedules Information ♠

A new class schedule is starting in March 2012! You can view all the schedules in a PDF format linked below. A list of course descriptions can be found here.

1st and 2nd year students are required to take the core classes and then can pick up additional elective classes in their 3rd year. The typical workload for 3rd - 5th year OWL students is around nine classes and the suggested maximum work load is eleven or twelve classes. None of the seven core classes can be dropped until after 5th year, however elective classes can be dropped between 3rd and 5th year. Students in their 6th and 7th years are required to choose core classes to specialize in and cut out additional classes. The average workload for the NEWT level is around two or three classes. Four classes is considered a very heavy workload and students are advised not to take more than this. NEWT level students have fewer classes but are expected to accommodate around 4 - 5 hours of personal study to each subject outside of the classroom.

Please note that the level corresponds directly with the grade year in which it is offered. Eg. Ancient Runes is only offered in 3-5 year (as an elective), and then in 6-7 year (as a NEWT core).

C L A S S ♠ S E C T I O N S
Students: Please see below for your class section assignment. Note which house you have classes with for the year. These section numbers apply to core AND elective classes.

YEAR 1-5 Sections:

1A: Gryffindor/Slytherin | 1B: Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
2A: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor | 2B: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
3A: Gyrffindor/Ravenclaw | 3B: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
4A: Slytherin/Gryffindor | 4B: Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
5A: Gryffindor/Hufflepuff | 5B: Ravenclaw/Slytherin

YEAR 6-7 Sections:

6AB: All houses together
7AB: All houses together

NOTE for all Students: Most classes do not have time conflicts. However, if there is a conflict in the schedule you wish to take, then you may apply for a Time Turner or request to attend the class with a different house. ALL of these changes must be approved by the headmaster first. Please send a PM if you have a schedule conflict.

NOTE for 6th Years who Failed their OWLs: 5th year OWL level classes can be retaken by 6th years who received a grade of A or P on their OWLs and wish to retake the failed 5th year class during their 6th year (and retake the OWL exams for a better score). If you need to retake an OWL class then please send a PM so we can approve it and find a way to fit it in their schedule.

C O R E ♣ C L A S S E S
1-5 Years: Students are required to take these classes from 1st through 5th year.
6-7 Years: Students who received a passing grade on 5th year OWL exams in the following subjects have the option of pursuing further education in these fields. Remember, 6-7 year students may only elect UP TO FOUR classes in total for the year, and must take the same classes during 6th and 7th year to be eligible for NEWT credit.

Astronomy [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Charms [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Defense Against the Dark Arts [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Herbology [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

History of Magic [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Potions [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Transfiguration [CORE]
OWL Levels 1-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

E L E C T I V E S ♣ N E W T C O R E
3-5 Years: Students are required to elect 2 additional classes in their 3rd year, which they can then drop in 4th or 5th year if they wish to, or continue in 4th and 5th year in order to sit for the OWLs in said class (must take levels 3-5 in a class to be eligible). Students must continue to take the previously listed core classes.
6-7 Years: Students who received a passing grade on 5th year OWL exams in the following subjects have the option of pursuing further education in these fields. Remember, 6-7 year students may only elect UP TO FOUR classes in total for the year, and must take the same classes during 6th and 7th year to be eligible for NEWT credit.

Ancient Runes
OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Care of Magical Creatures
OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Magical Energies
OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

Muggle Studies
OWL Levels 3-5 and NEWT Levels 6-7: -- [schedule]

A D D I T I O N A L  N O N - C R E D I T ♣ C L A S S E S
1st Year Students take Flying lessons twice a week during their first year. The flying class does not overlap with any other 1st year classes and all first year students need to take it.
4th Year Students are offered Apparition lessons in order to help them prepare for the Ministry proctored exam, which must be passed to receive an Apparition license. Students may appear for the test at the end of 4th year; if they fail the test, they may retake the class in 5th year. The schedule varies depending on which professor is teaching it that year.

Flying (non-credit)
Level 1: -- [schedule]

Apparition (non-credit)
Level 4: -- Please PM the mod for this schedule
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