Welcome to Yonsei Campus Radio! Our goal is to provide entertainment through music to the faculty and student population of Yonsei University, as well as keep them up-to-date with the latest events and happenings in campus. If you think you want to be part of the Campus Radio Team, sign up here!
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Comments 3
Birthdate/Age: July 4/22
Year/Major: Junior/Dance
Position desired (indicate if applying as both DJ and writer): DJ
Vocal sample: (if applying as a DJ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF9IUFdTj0o
♪ Please add the community. More details are going to be posted soon about pre-production meetings and other related activities, so to keep you updated, kindly add yonsei_radio.
♪ You may now select (or create) a program you wish to host. Please refer to this post for the list of pre-conceptualized programs. If you have any other ideas for a program peg, don't hesitate to approach me or send me a message so we can discuss.
♪ Expect blast invitations. The official AIM account for yonsei_radio is #yonseiradio. Kindly add it to your buddylist. Blast invitations will also be sent out for purposes of meetings/brainstorming and actual broadcasts.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may send me a PM or message me at #redchucktaylors. Thank you very much and let's get this show on the road very soon!
Birthdate/Age: 040494 / 19
Year/Major: Freshmen/Undecided
Position desired (indicate if applying as both DJ and writer): DJ
Vocal sample: (if applying as a DJ) Not sure what you were looking for, but here is me messing around at my high school radio with my friend?
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