New & New ...

Aug 13, 2009 23:19

The 1st New we have to shout about is our NEW PLACE!! That's right we have moved FINALLY!!
It took 8 friends & the 3 of us 2 days to completely moved everything from the old apartment to the new one. Then it was another 3 days of cleaning & cleaning & cleaning the old apt. Here in Switzerland when u move, u have get the old apt clean, clean, clean otherwise u have to pay for repairs or additional cleaning etc... We passed :)

Thank you all who came & helped out & special Thanks to Sally for looking after Tobias while we cleaned!

Our reward for all that work is this view:

On a clear day u can see the Alps just behind those cranes but there hasn't been a super clear day since we moved here. Even without seeing the Alps, the view is great :D

Photos of the inside of the new apartment will come soon... once i'm done with putting up the pictures & deco stuff.

2nd NEW
The 2nd New we have to announce is that our not-so-little baby boy, who is now 5yrs 2mths 3wks old, is now a Kindergartener!!!
That's right he goes to Kindergarten 3 mornings & 1 afternoon a week. He LOVES it! He has been waiting & waiting to go - ever since our Introduction Day in June, he has been asking weekly, "Is it August yet? In August i go to Kindergarten!". So excited to go...

Here's him setting out on his 1st Day at Kindi, 10th August 2009, Monday, a rainy summer morning:

Here's him on the 1st day getting his fish cushion which was stamp-printed by Tobias on Introduction Day, the teacher, Frau Imhof, sings a little song about fishes in the ocean as she gives out the cushions:

Here he is with his 1st "Bring-Home" craft from Kindi, a little black fish called Swimy who apparently saved all the fishes from the Tunas (a story told at Kindi):

So how's mummy handling all this growing-up?
i'm ok, happy & sad all at the same time - i'm sad cos i know my baby is growing & soon will be very independent of me - i'm happy that he's so into the whole going to school process - even morning routines are no longer a chore - he wants to go & is happy to go get ready in the mornings ;)
i'm still trying to work out timings such as how long it takes to walk to school, which is the shortest, safest route, how much time do i have between walking him there & walking him back etc...
At the moment the start time at Kindi is delayed - for the 1st 3 weeks, they are starting at 9am instead of 815am - this is to allow the kids & parents to adjust to the new routine. So we are trying to work ourselves towards being in school by 810am, for this week we try to be there between 830 & 845. Next week, we'll try to be there between 815 & 830. & hopefully by the 3rd week we'll be there between 8 & 810 :p

You may think that with him going to Kindi i'll have more time on my hands - i don't think i will - i no longer have a full day to do all my chores & business stuff - i used to have 1 full day & another half day to get all the errands & chores & my book biz stuff done - now he'll have to come with most times. i'm still hoping to do all the household chores while he's at school.
How is this so u may ask? Well cos he only goes for 3.5hrs (when they switch to actual start time) in the mornings & for that one afternoon, it is only 1.5hrs. i walk him there & come home, do the housework or run errands & then have to go walk him home again. Also now he'll be in for lunch everyday so that's a new thing for me - it used to be he was fed at his pre-school & daycare so that's 2 lunches & we normally eat 1 or 2 lunches out - now it's all different - but all good - i'm hoping to have a routine for both him & myself fall together within the next couple of weeks.

Ahhhh... New Adventures!!

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