Title: kotoba ni dekinai (Part 28, finale)
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu (main)
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, angst galore, underage sex in some chapters
Disclaimer: title blatantly stolen from Off Course's song, and it means something like 'i can't express it in words'; the DBSK boys don't belong to me, the supporting characters do; and of course, none of this ever happened
Summary: Kim Junsu's life is turned upside down when he's introduced to his new co-worker, Park Yoochun. only... is it really the first time they meet?
A/N: based on
swoon21's idea and follows some of her notes and preferences.
A/N2: i'll be lucky if the freaking internet lets me post at least this... *growls* anyway, the last chapter. thank you to everyone who followed this story and cheered me on in spite of my obvious slips. i'll be taking care of the 'thank you' prompts now (
hangeng4ever, i'm still waiting for yours :)), so please be patient.
part 1 +
part 2 +
part 3 +
part 4 +
intermission 1 +
part 5 +
part 6 +
part 7 +
intermission 2 +
part 8 +
part 9 +
part 10 +
part 11 +
part 12 +
intermission 3 +
part 13 +
part 14 +
part 15 +
part 16 +
intermission 4 +
part 17 +
part 18 +
part 19 +
part 20 +
intermission 5 +
part 21 +
part 22 +
part 23 +
part 24 +
part 25 +
part 26 +
intermission 6 +
part 27 Part 28