Confession ♥
Sharaku made it back to his dorm finally, he stayed out with Fukusuke last night for.. reasons, alot he wasn't all too sure about yet. Though... yes. No. Wait. BAHNEVERMIND. He opened the door, "nee.. Toda?" weird.. things had been happening lately.. Toda kept going on and on about how he had some 'virus' and always lonely and Sharaku had just kinda.. sunk into his own world that suddenly wasn't as yellow. Well it was, but wtf @ that binary? Eh.. maybe it was the heat? Malfunctions? who knew.
Toda blinked as he heard the door open. He sluched in his chair again, not too happy that he had to sleep on their new red couch because he didn't have a certain laddar to help him get on the new top bunk bed. But he continued to munch down on some waffles and his chocolate milk. He boney fingers gripped to the fork as he shoved that yummy yellow shit in his mouth full of syrup. Their freezer was packed to the brim with waffles, all kind. He had used his handmade toaster that made them just right. There wasn't much.... variety in the fridge either. A LOT A LOT A LOT of beer and a few cartons of chocolate milk for Toda. There was also some fish and a bit a cereal in the cabinets.
Sharaku frowned a bit, everything was dark and cool though. Atleast that was good. The apples and Toda would atleast not be so hot? Mmn, nutritious positivity. He could feel unhappiness just ricocheting off the walls along with the rest of whateverthehell had been going on the past couple days. Downside to two mechanical geniuses: emotions?=wtf. He closed the door hearing the shift of someone else in the kitchen and decided to follow that, but fiiiirst. SMOKE! He walked over to the fridge immediately pulling out a beer and set it on his side of the table sitting across from the boney one scarfing down waffles and chocolate milk, "hey."
The other blinks as the fork was shoved in his mouth. HEY!? He's been gone for 2 days now and all he got was a HEY!? -_______-;; He gave the other a slight smile, forcing his teeth not to grind knowing the fact THAT HE SMELT LIKE FUKUDA'S HOUSE! He drank some of his chocolate milk to clear that small neck of his and pushed over the plate slightly. "waffles?"
He brought up his legs to cross on the seat of the chair opening the beer and almost downing the whole damn thing. what the HELL was going on? Taking a drag from his smoke he picked up a couple peices of some computer parts he was working on a couple days ago fiddling with them, "no thanks." more silence. "how's.. things been?"
The silence really made Toda uncomfortable. They never had a silence awkward moment like this, especially not at the table. They are usually sitting across from each other everyday at one point or another. His small black eyes blinked a few times before he pulled the plate back and started to poke at it. POKING!? AT.....WAFFLES? You don't poke at waffles. What was wrong with him? He looked at the pack of cigarettes, thinking about taking one too....but he was still in the process of eatting waffles. He looked across the way at the blonde man. He wasn't too sure how to answer that question because of two reasons. Sharaku NEVER asked that question and Toda wasn't too sure how 'things been'. "It's been......" he blinked and lowered his brow as he finished. "Thingy....?"
whaaaatthefuck. He brushed over the pack of smokes towards Toda noticing him eyeing them. Maybe.. he was getting sick. People act weird when they're sick right? And it was hot too. he downed the rest of the beer saying nothing about the waffle poking and just continuing to smoke silently figiting with a couple chips after tossing the other one aside. And since when did he do that? He couldn't keep focus on anything for like five seconds and he didn't have ADHD. When Sharaku set to do something he FINISHED it. There'd been alot of half done things aorund lately.. comming to think about it.
Unlike Toda. He was known to leave half way things around since his mind was always thinking of new invensions or a new way to make Mother shinny.... but lately.... he couldn't think of one things. Not one. He had to look at his Eureka magazine to look for IDEAS for Sharaku's birthday. That NEVER happened. Maybe because he really didn't know.... what to make for the other. He looked at the box and sighed softly, taking it and pulling out a white stick. He placed it between his small black lips and lit it up. Maybe he really did have a virus after all.
Sharaku twitched a bit. Silence, and these fucking whateverthehells were viberating off the walls so much he was surprised there still WERE walls. The tall blond finished his smoke deciding to grab another beer and a small plate of premade sushi, they were always too busy to actually make food unless it was waffles. He sat back down with a sigh, rolling soft honey eyes hidden by thick black make-up upwards, "what the fuck.. is going on?" that was just about the only way he could even remotely form any sort of question right now.
The other jumped almost out of his skin as the silence was broken like glass. His small black eyes looked over and his black lips held firmly together as always. A concerned looked ran over his face as he saw the frustration in the other. He swallowed and tapped the cig at the edge of the ash tray, letting the dead parts fall in. How could he answer that question? If he'd knew, he'd tell....but he didn't HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON! "Erm.....come.....again?"
"Forgive me Toda," he stared at his food a bit, what the HELL was that? Since when did he get snippy with Toda? And he couldn't blame a virus because he was graced with a very tight grasp of reality that had been kinda.. slipping lately. So perhapes he was sick, the signs were all there right? "I think I'm getting sick." The blonde stated rather bluntly and stood up not even taking the beer with him. yes he MUST have been getting sick. That was.. the only explaination. He needed to.. think? God he always thought. he needed to be restarted.
The other's eyes widened as the blonde walked away WITHOUT the beer. He bit his lip and tapped it with a boney finger. He was getting.......scared. Was Sharaku ok? He gasped softly. He didn't have a virus too........did he? He looked down at the waffles then back at the blone. He couldn't waste waffles, if he did...... he'd REALLY be sick. So he took the fork again and shoved the rest in his mouth, gulping down the milk and put both in the sink. He'd usually clean the dishes up right away, but there was something very wrong. He slowly took the beer bottle and walked out ofthe kitchen and into the room where Sharaku had gone. he then slowly handed it to the man and smiled.
He steped over the multiple cords and wires spread over the floor with hardly a thought. Moving oddly through a room to avoid appliences was natural, sometimes so natural he'd do it even when there was nothing to avoid. His body stalled and turnt when the other came by and handed him his.. beer? howthehelldidheforgetthat!? oh yes it didn't seem appitizing..waitWHAT!? He pressed a smile taking the can downing it like he did the last. Sharaku stood there for a second, tilting his head. "...we forgot a ladder didn't we?"
The other blinked and tilted his head the other way, looking at the bunk bed. He too passed the wires and things with ease, though since the two days that Sharaku was away, he fixed and organized everything....though random chips were still around. He smiled as the other down his beer. That was better. "Yea." He said and walked to it. "Maybe you can help me up."
Okay.. less awkward now. Or maybe slightly buzzed. Wait.. there wasn't a difference was there? That was besides the point huh? yeah. He smiled with a small bit of laughter. "Sure." Toda was light, but many men were light in compair to Sharaku. it took nothing to lift the other up. He than sat on the bottom one pulling out his laptop, ok.. well yes this was.. better?
Toda climbed up and looked over the edge. "Thank you." He pulled back up and pushed over his huge sonic plush and laid down on it. He didn't have his laptop up there, but he DID have his VR game up there. He took it and pulled the goggles over his eyes, slowly hooking up the gloved up and turned it on. There was a blank screen, as always. Where to go, where to go?
After awhile of staring at a blank screen since his mind was.... well...... not where it should be, he pulled the device away from him. He looked at the large clock on the wall that read..... 00:03 he looked down to see that the screen light was still on below. He laid down in the bed and wrapped his arms around the large sonic doll and gave it a big squeeze, putting his head on his pillow and pulled over the blanket since the air had cooled off the air. "Can......can......" Hmm...... "humans get viruses?"
Sharaku gave up on whatever it was he was trying to do since, he really didn't know what he was trying to do anyways and put the laptop away taking to laying on the bed staring blankly at.. nothing. He tilted his head to the side looking at the blank wall, and blank ceiling, and mind wondered off blankly to all that was said at Fukusuke's, he took in what the other asked. Virus, what was all that about anyways? "Well.. sometimes they call sickness viruses.. like the flu." Somehow he didn't think Toda had the flu though, "why do you think you have a virus?"
He laid on his back and looked up at the ceiling too. He pulled the sonic closer and laid his head on the plush's face. "I think so...." He said just loud enough for the other to hear. "But, di.....did you have fun at Fukuda's?"
hmm.. "Hai.." fun wasn't really the word for it. Sure they were good friends but there was alot more talking, ranting and drinking than anything really. Apart from the breif mentions of what Meto was upto. There was something that.. had been bothering him though lately. Since when did Toda even understand the meaning of lonely? "what kind of virus?"
That 'hai' wasn't too reasuring. He grew another concern face and leaned over a bit on the bar. He looked out at the small glow of the hallway. "I think it's called." Erm....what was it called? He couldn't remember. He scratched his head for the knowledge, but that never came so easily to him anymore. It /must/ be a virus. "I think it's called love."
Sharaku almost choked on that, why were these things so difficult? Everyone else did it and took part of it, everyone else were in those uhm.. relationships and such. I mean.. he knew what it was but what it felt like threw him off completely. Which was retarded they were both grown men, you'd think they'd get it by now huh? Funny.. same topic. Fuku said something along the lines of, //for fuck sakes, its only a little too obvious. I mean your SO protective of him// which the blonde denied. Of course. "Toda.. love isn't a virus."
His eyes widened. IT WASN'T!? This made him feel so much better. At least it was removable. Though he wasn't too sure if he wanted to remove it. He'd keep it in his hard drive for awhile before sending it to the recycle box. A small yet wide smile arrived on him. "Good, I don't like viruses." He smiled more and hugged his sonic.
Sharaku blinked with a small bit of laughter. Okay now he was curious, what brought this up in the first place? "And, what made you believe you had this 'love'?" was that what all the loneliness was about? He shifted a little, wait what if.. the blonde frowned a bit. He could hear Fuku yelling at him from miles away already.
The other blinked and he bit his small bottom lip. That was the next big reason; he didn't know. he sat up and hit his head on the ceiling. "eee....." He rubbed it than blinked. Slowly pushing his body over the bars, he looked upside down at his friend below. His black long hair hung from his head as his small eyes narrowed to see the other. He'll have to remember to wear a hard hat to bed. He felt a bit more than just 'love' or whatever. There was jealousy and loneliness too, but his computer friend didn't know about this did he? He blinked and felt the blood rush to his head. "Because.... I mean well......I 'love' my computers...... but.......erm........I..... think I 'love' a bigger computer....." Did..... he just say that?
Sharaku nodded sitting up crosslegged on the bed to face the Toda. He showed it differently, always.. doing thingd for him, or worrying about Toda's health. Taking care of him and such things. They'd known eachother for awhile now haddn't they? "eto.." he pushed those words from his lips in a small whisper, "Ehn Toda," k, right how did he say that? ARTICULATION CMON YOUR GO.. nevermind. No you're not. eeeheheheheheh... "I.. uhm.. well. Computer feels the same I think.." he gave a nod. Ok that made sence right?
His eyes widened a bit but his head was getting a bit stuffed now that he was hanging upside down for too long. he pulled up and again..... BANG, there went his head. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" He rubbed his black hair and pouted. Tugging at his robot pj pants, he looked down at the floor. He hugged the plush again and laid down in bed again. He couldn't help the odd smile across his face as he closed his eyes. "Good-night Sharaku"