Title: Please, won't you be my neighbor? 56
Summery: Kup wasn't sure when he first realized something was off where he lived.
Pairing: it is a MYSTERY!
Rating: M
Words: 143
Chapter includes: Kup is his own warning
Disclaimer: Only the demented plot, what there is, is mine
"I was actually thinking of Sentinel Prime and his second Jazz. While I'm aware there is some friction stemming from the Archa VII incident, they have known each other for a long time and were quite close at one point."
".... No offense on your judgment sir, but Sentinel's an aft that's likely ta lord the power over Optimus' helm. That bot can hold a grudge."
"That's actually one of the reasons I wanted to choose him. I'm hoping they can work though the pain of the past. I trust Sentinel to follow the rules of conduct and not let his emotions interfere with his duties, and in the meantime perhaps being in proximity to each other will help them heal."
Kup looked at Ultra Magnus like he was insane, "Sir, ta be honest I think you're underestimating the bad energon between them."