Title: Caught Chapter: 1/? Author: YoshiLei Rating: NC 17 Band(s): SuG Pairing(s): Takeru x Chiyu Warning(s): Boy love, Violence, molesting and suggestion of past rape Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line.
Hi, i'm really sorry i am totally confused where the second half of the story has gone. I did have it up before, i will re-upload it. The second half is just another chapter and not an end to the story, i would really like to finnish it but i'm not sure when that will be, my apologies. But i will get the missing one up as soon as possible! I think i may make it so you have to friend me to read, due to the theme of the material.
Thank you for commenting, i'm very happy to know you liked it so much!
O_o this seems familiar I'm not sure If I read it before but I saw you post chapter 2 today. I don't know if I can handle Takeru getting molested/raped :/ I'll read on to see...
Comments 5
loved it :3
hehehe and the sleeping in the ccar/van/some sort of wheeled thing was adorable :3
Glad you enjoyed it T//T
I'll prob update it after updating something elce i'v been trying to finnish =-=
But i will get the missing one up as soon as possible! I think i may make it so you have to friend me to read, due to the theme of the material.
Thank you for commenting, i'm very happy to know you liked it so much!
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