... is so much fun. X)
Sums up my holiday so far, really. I tried. ^^;; Can I draw anything, for anyone? I have very little skill, and if it's quality illustrations that you'd like may I point you in Lottie's direction. But, please? Drawing makes me happy. Plus, I've got colour, and lots of it. :D
Went to the wedding of Mark Thatcher and Amy Wong, I have no idea who they are, nor did they know who I was. I was seriously considering walking up to them and saying "hey, one day you could have kids just like me!" just for laughs, but then realised that I'd rather not be an advocate of divorce. The story of their life is rather sweet though, so I wanted to share it. :) They met when they were 13, teenage sweethearts, and have been together ever since then.. which adds up to a lot of years. At school, Mark used to have to carry her books, he hand fed her at break and had to put lipbalm on her lips when they were chaffed. Aww.
Laura and Juliette gave me some very good advice on how to survive a wedding, so I hope you don't mind if I call on you again! Does anybody have any babysitting tips? We have new neighbours and without my knowledge, the pater has volunteered me to offer babysitting services. This is a novel experience. It should be quite fun, and hey, there's monetary matters involved! Only problem is, one of their kids screams so loud that I can hear her bawling from next door, even when I'm playing Muse, and very, very loud at that. Is there any way to stop kids crying, aside from sticking a sock in their mouth?
Geek brothers are so much love. I now have the New World on my ipod, and soon to follow suite is Roswell Season 1. <3 But, have you guys heard? A new ipod has supposedly been released today! ZOMG! 6th Generation! It's going to have a touch-screen like the smart boards. Oooo.
Going to go gawp at Captain Jack Sparrow's hawtness tommorow with Izzy, then a bit of ice skating too which is most exciting. Today I rediscovered how much fun it is to play in a band, I met a boy who can play Muse's Hysteria on bass and have been invited to go to his band's gig in Camden next week. Life is good. :)