First Name:Isaac
Current Residency:Ich wohne auf Austin Texas.
Music:ACDC, Anthrax, Aerosmith, Alice cooper, Black Sabbath, Bo Diddly, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Buddy Holley, Cake, Credence Clearwater Revival, Cream, The Clash, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Dick Dale, The Dickies, Dream Evil, The Eagles, Elvis Costello, Eric Clapton, Europe, Frank Sinatra, Frank Zappa, Guns n' roses, Gwar, Iron Butterfly, Iron Maiden, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, James Brown, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, Jimi Hendrix, Judas Priest, Kenny Loggins, The Kinks, Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, Manowar, Motly crüe(!), Nate The Great, Nirvana, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Pink Floyd, Public Enemy, Queen, Rammstein, Randy Rhoades, Ray Charles, Red Hot Chille Peppers, Rob Zombie, Skid Row, Slaid Cleaves, Slayer, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Surviver, Sweet, Talking Heads, The Sex Pistols, The Red Elvises, The Ventures, The Who, Twisted Sister, Van Halen, Velvet Revolver, Weezer, Willie Nelson, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, ZZ Top
Movies:Well, Pulp Fiction simply rules the world, As does Naploean Dynomite, Then there's Bill and Ted's Excelent Adventure, which I CANNOT get enough of, Then there's any fucking zombie movie, I Just adore zombie movies*sigh*, blood gore and rock and roll are three things that if there's some of it in the movie, I'll probably like it no matter how bad it is.
Stories:Hansel and Gretel, but told by m'uncle, where Hansel and Grettel DIE at the hands of the evil witch.
Books: Oh god... ANYTHING by Stephen King, I'm currently reading The Dark Tower Part V: The Wolves of the Calla, and Pet Sematary, But in the past some of my faves have been Carrie, The Stand, Hearts in Atlantis, The Gunslinger. Then of of Stephen King, I adore Kurt Vonegut, especially Player Piano, that's an Odd yet very satisfying book. Then theres the Madeline L'engel books, all of those are good, and of course the Harry Potter books simply rule.
Tv Shows:I have a special place in my heart for South Park, but I don't really watch much TV.
++One Un-Favorite++
Actor/Actress:Ben Aflec
Singer/Band:Counting Crows (don't hurt me, I just don't really like them.)
Book:The Bible.
++Nifty Facts++
Have you ever been in love? Indeed! In fact, I'm going out with
her right now, how lucky I am.
Have you ever scuba dived?nope, wanna though (is there any elaboration possible?)
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Well, people keep getting me shoes, but I really only like my Chucks, my Big Black Boots, and my flip flops, so yeah, 3
How many thongs?only one, But Oh is it sexy. it's black with red stripes.
What sports do you play?used to play Ice Hockey, I'll Be in Wresteling this year, otherwise, I'm pretty sport deprived
What's the dorkiest thing you like?BOWLING! BOWLING RULES! Back me up on this one
++Amusing thing that's happened to you (make me laugh)++
I walk into the building, school starts in a little over an hour, but that doesn't bother me, school's not bad, school is, in fact, going quite fine. I mount the stairs to the second floor and take them two at a time, my pack bumping up and down in it's half emptyness. When I came to the top I turned left, and go my usual route to the yellow hallway on the second floor, the hallway where all my pals will be.
I get there around the same time as I always do, just after 7:20, and I toss my pack into a corner where it settles with a delightful little *fwump*.
I stagger over to the lockers and slam my back against them, getting ready to slide to my ass on the floor, but before I can, a sweet girls voice calls down the hall to me.
"Isaac, Hey Isaac!"
I turn and there's my friend Anna, with four dresses draped over one arm.
"Hey Anna" I say, realizing that sliding to the floor will not be happening this morning, but I don't mind, Great Things are Afoot!
I stand straight, and walk up to meet her halfway. Before I get to her she holds something out to me, it's a long black dress, "Here, put this on."
Amused, I take the dress, and slip it over my head, it fits nicely... A bit too nicely actually, but I don't care.
I turn around for Anna's inspection, "very nice." It's all the praise I need from her.
I go back to the others, where I get lavishly praised for the girlish figure I cut, and there's some fun poked, but it doesn't matter, I've got a dress to wear all day, and it amuses the fuck out of me.
I take my place, not sitting, but leaning against the lockers that minutes earlier I was so ready to slide down, and schmooze with my morning pals until the 8:15 bell rings, telling us to get our various asses in gear.
I go to first period, World Geography, to various compliments and insults, it is seriously good times. Second and third period come and go with the same effects on the crowds, I am very proud of myself. Then fourth period, and even more good times, I'm on a roll!
Finally, it's lunch time, time to show off to the general puplic!
I take my shit out of my locker and go down the stairs, the dress making swishing sounds as I take them two at a time.
As I walk outside I fall into stride next to my buddy Jonathan who promptly tells me how much I rule. Because I do rule, I'm WEARING A MUTHER FUCING DRESS!
Anyway, I start my daily consumption of brain numbing amounts of food. I go through my Tuna sandwich, my yogurt, my plum, some of my chips, one of my soda's, one of my other sandwiches, and that's when I hear it, like a vulgar cry of the evil peoples of down below!
"All ya'll that are crossdressers come with me!"
OH NO!I look around and there's the coach and head of security. With a groan I get up, and walk over to him, and think, he can't do anything, there's nothing in the dress code that prohibits wearing a dress! turns out I was right.
(not the greateste retelling of that story ever, but I'm getting tired.)
Sex? Love it, but remember, No glove, No love
Homosexuality? Whatever blows your wistle. I can't have an opinion on this, because nobody should be able to say what somebody can or can't do when love is invloved.
Drugs? Alkeehol is all I'd ever go for, but if youze wants to fuck with your head, fine by me. Drugs are stupid in my opinion, and I know a few people who got really fucked over by them, but like I said, it's all yo' choice.
George Bush? Its very hard to make fun of him because it's all been said before, but I can tell a joke: What's the problem with this country? We put a Bush, a Dick, and a Colin in the white house. I didn't say it would be a good joke.
Vegeterianism? "for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three." -Maddox. 'nuf said.
++What does Snazzy mean to you?++
Snazzy is all the oompa loompas in willy wonka singing and dancing to that wonderful song. (oompa loompa, doopity doo, i've got a troubling question for you...)