i freekin watched the newest harry potter and the order of the FEENIX in freekin theatres maaan!!! twas monday...and it twas AHHHWWEESOOMEEE!!! my greatest gratitoodes to mee bro-hoe and the mista dentist lingenbrink himself :D he even gave out prizes and goody bags....it was a good day
OH YEA!! EVERYONE THAT IS READING THIS..except for you weirdos and strangers GO TO KING'S WOK THE LAST WEEK OF AUGUSTi haven't decided the day..but its prob gunna land on the a monday, tuesday, or wensday
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WHATS UP THERE KIDDOS! wanna go to a show n support mah bebe in action?! and u knoe, since i'm there..i'll be all the action you'll ever need >D so no worries :D! however! your present is needed and always ALwAYS welcomed at this amazing show...his tickets are i think 7 doolars? and its on JULY 30 thirtee the big 3-OH, and if THAT doesn't tickalee
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HAY PEOPLE! i wanna eat at a buffet before school starts in september! so, we're gunna go to KINGS WOK, preferably a weekday cuz mad peepz be going on weekends! so like the week b4 skool starts or 2 weeks b4...tell everyone! >D