abaxrpg app

Nov 14, 2011 18:14

player information.

name: Britt
are you over 18?: 26
personal lj: ... I'm bringing cookies or something. 
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: yourfamousfriends@gmail.com, plurk
characters in abax: N/A

in character information.

series: LOST
name: Charlie Pace
sex: M
age: 28
race: Human
weight: 145 lbs
canon point: post-death in episode Through the Looking Glass (For the toe tag: cause of death is drowning)
previous cr: N/A

history: Charlie at the Lostpedia

personality:  Charlie seems to have an undying need to feel useful. This is likely thanks to his history as a one hit wonder rockstar and a drug addict as he doesn't want to be seen as nothing more than a failed junkie. He'll nearly always offer help in dangerous situations. If the other survivors were planning a mission then Charlie as right there with them, trying to convince them of his usefulness to the situation even if his own talents and skills would be completely irrelevant. He likes to go out of his way to help people as well. Even if a person insists that they have everything under control, Charlie will be there once he sets them in his sights. He's something like a very enthusiastic little dog - always under your feet, always trying to get your attention, and often times coming off as a mild annoyance because of it. Of course, his willingness to tag along and helphelphelp is not always just a show to feel important. Especially as time has passed and his experiences on the island have helped him to mature, Charlie's efforts to lend a hand have seemed to mature as well to an extent. After all, he's willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the other survivors. He also transforms from a careless skirt-chaser to a man who truly loves Claire and would do anything for her and her child, Aaron. He claims Claire is the best thing that ever happened to him and it really seems to be true.

Charlie is very cheerful by nature and likes to try to lighten the mood whenever the situation turns bleak (could be related to the above bit, too, come to think of it). He's witty and likes to joke around quite a bit. If someone he cares about is down he'll goof around and act silly and joke in an effort to cheer them up. For example, Claire tells him she'd really love to eat peanut butter so he finds an empty jar and pretends that it's full of the most delicious peanut butter known to man. ~*~It works!~*~ and cheers Claire up quite a bit.

As with all people, he has a darker side. Before the island he let his drug addiction begin to run his life. He began a relationship with a woman with the intention of robbing her father so he could pay his dealer. On the island, he tried to quit his habit a few times without success but eventually kicked it completely. The road to recovery is a long and difficult one, though, so if he were to be presented with heroin again (especially while under extreme stress) it would take a lot of self control to turn away from it. Self control that he might not have. Also, Charlie is very willing to take extreme measures to protect those he loves/exact revenge. Ethan Rom, one of the Others, kidnaps Claire and tries to kill Charlie. Charlie ends up shooting and killing him, despite Sayid warning him that the murder would take its toll on him mentally.

abilities/powers: He's an average human so he's not capable of any exciting powers or super strength or what have you. He can shoot a gun but he's not practiced so his skills aren't exceptional. He can also play the bass and guitar pretty well (which probably won't help him here but...). Hey, what he lacks in awesome superhero talents he makes up for in spirit! As for weaknesses, Charlie is a recovering heroin addict. He's done pretty well to kick the habit but if the temptation presented itself again in this time of particularly great stress, he'd have trouble stepping away.

first person sample: 

I don't suppose anyone I know will hear this but... Desmond, if you're out there, man, I don't know what's happened but I'm in a morgue. Apparently even dying won't get you off this bloody island.

Something feels off, though. More off than it normally does, that is.

This... doesn't really feel like the island.

[There's a pause, during which the only sound is some shuffling about as if the speaker is moving across the room.]

Is anyone listening? Where am I?

third person sample:

It was raining again.

Charlie had decided a long time ago that if he ever got to go home again he would personally clobber anyone who claimed England was a supremely rainy place. ("Clobber" in the most polite sense of the word, of course - more like politely inform them that they ought to try living on a tropical island in the middle of God-only-knows-where for a while and then see how rainy England feels.) Of course, with the inevitable thinking of pummeling people who dared think that anywhere but this island could be considered rainy, Charlie began to think of home. He thought of his brother, Liam, and wondered how he was doing. He thought about how much he might be missed, by family, friends and fans alike.

Sometimes he wondered what it would've been like if he and Liam had switched places. How different would life be now if Liam had been on flight 815? Charlie would be at home, strung out and with some girl he'd never see again. His biggest worry would be how he was going to pay for his next stash, not whether or not he was going to be murdered by a smoke monster or kidnapped by the Others. He wasn't sure which was worse, honestly.

Charlie's thoughts were interrupted when Claire caught his eye. She was beneath her tent a few yards off, cradling Aaron in her arms. When their eyes met, she smiled, and Charlie broke into a wide grin.

Y'know, monsters and polar bears weren't really all that bad, come to think of it. Neither was the rain.

In fact, Charlie decided, he wouldn't want to be anywhere else but this godforsaken island.


case no: 08-15-29
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