[An author who had affected you]
Ah, so many... my favorite author is John Irving, each of his books are so captivating, a perfect mix of "sorrow and lunacy," as he says... they stretch your imagination and boundaries... the way he uses foreshadowing blows my mind, once you start something of his, you can't stop reading it... and he uses English in ways I never would have thought possible. I way recommend The Hotel New Hampshire. I need to post some passages from his books that I like.
[What you most like to do on a Sunday]
Well, church isn't an option!... my schedule has changed recently, so I am looking forward to Sunday being the only day in the week without obligations... I want to get up early and read, clean the house, talk to my boy, cook a good meal, and basically take it easy
[A monument you would like to view from your bedroom]
I'm not overly fond of monuments... I just want to see the ocean
[A taste that makes you melt]
(Pokey, orange tic tacs?! Dear god...) Baklava from the Greek Oasis in Temecula... oh yes, one bite, best orgasm you will ever have :)
[A hobby that occupies your time]
Um. I read a lot... lately I read economics textbooks in my free time, which is weird, but its turning into a passion. I would like writing in coffeeshops to occupy MORE of my time, but alas... I take long walks around the neighborhood, and watch movies occasionally. My options here are limited, it seems the local custom is to drink and eat nyama choma in every spare second.
[The film you could watch over and over]
Harold and Maude, the Dead Poet's Society
[Your motto]
Nakedness is next to godliness.
[Your approximate annual income]
Ha, funny
[Something important on your computer desk]
I don't have a computer desk, the laptop resides comfortably on the coffeetable. It's the most important thing there.
[What you would keep in a safe, if you had one]
Since I'm imagining a safe, I guess I can also imagine a safe full of Ben Franklins :) Yeah, that sounds nice...
[Things you like to buy]
I have no qualms spending money on good coffee in abundance. I like buys clothes usually, but not in Nairobi... and tickets to concerts/artsy places.
[If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy]
Clothes! I will be nekkid by the end of this semester if I don't... haven't purchased anything since I came back, and I keep tearing things!
[You collect]
Letters/messages that people send me
[Your strangest possession]
Um. Probably a little clay ashtray that my Ma made way back in kindergarten or something... it always ends up in my luggage. It's cute!
[Your most expensive possession]
[Your prized possession]
I guess laptop, because it has over 3,000 music files, and about that many pictures saved on it. I would WEEP if it died.
[If your house was burning and you only had time to rescue 3 things, they would be]
laptop, little clay ashtray... eh, and Kunle I suppose ;-)
[Something forbidden you have done that might even surprise your closest friends]
Somehow, I doubt my closest friends would be surprised
[The appropriate age for having sex]
When you have all the information, and protection, that you need to have in order to experiment safely. Then, whenever its right for you.
[The first time you had sex, you were how old]
Certain readers of mine surely don't want to know.
[Your most recent lie]
To Edna, who asked me to come by her place, and I said "Sorry, I'd love to, but I'm so busy today..." Total lie, I would NOT love to!
[A lie you tell yourself]
I don't know... I try to be honest with myself, to compensate for the fictions I weave for everyone else!
[A drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis]
Smirnoff Black Ice
[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to]
Sex! Kidding, joking (sort of)... I don't like addiction. All things in moderation.
[What would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you]
Hmm... it would be kind of traumatic, as it would also involve him moving out. Depending on the circumstances, his possessions might end up flying off the balcony... and there are goats living down there now, brilliant...
[A time you purposely hurt someone emotionally]
I don't know... all those times during fights when you let stuff slip that you either don't mean or just shouldn't say.
[Which of your parents do you strongly resemble]
my dad in looks, fo' sho'
[If you didn't know your parents, you would choose these two famous people to take their place]
There are no famous people who interest me to that extent
[Something your parents did that you have never forgiven]
[A trait you do not share with your siblings]
An urge to flit from country to country on whim
[Your least favorite relative]
The ones I probably wouldn't like, I don't know well enough for it to matter
[Four traits you look for in a friend]
3.A mellow disposition
4.a large capacity for love
[The friend you have known for the longest time]
Megan, for 16 years now... she's married now with a baby girl... it's insane
[The friend you miss the most]
Gabe and Pokey
[A friend who makes you laugh]
All, to an extent
[A friend who you can tell anything]
Lately, that's Pokey
[A friend you can go to for advice]
Depends what I need advice on
[A friend you can flirt with]
All of them! In fact, I'm very sad that I have to be more reserved with girls here... I forget sometimes not to be so affectionate, and get strange looks.
[A friend you should not flirt with as much as you do]
Doug, but goddamn, he's just fly!
[A friend you should not have kissed]
... I regret nothing!
[A friend you may lose soon]
I've lost all I need to lately, the rest are stable I think
[An acquiantance you would like to make a friend]
Um... stephen maybe, he has a rad sense of humor
[A friend who has betrayed you]
No one in a big, significant way.
[A friend to whom you have something important to say, but have not yet had the courage]
I can't think of anything..
[Your 3 best qualities]
I'm generous to a fault, loyal, and very affectionate
[Your 3 worst qualities]
I'm a terrible communicator, moody, and sometimes avoidant
[3 words that describe how others view you]
Stuck up American (pretty much sums up USIU's opinion)
[3 words you would use to describe yourself]
Just plain me.
[A special compliment that made you blush]
Kunle paid me one the other day... but it shouldn't be repeated here :)
[An insult that made you burn]
Also Kunle, last time we argued
[The animal that best describes you]
a bird.
[The greatest amount of physical pain you ever endured]
Um... well, pneumonia sucked, as have my frequent sessions of horrible cramps... malaria too, not fun.
[Your best physical feature]
I like my back
[At your best, you are most like this famous person]
Again, I don't concern myself with famous people
[At your worst, you are most like this famous person]
See above
[Your most recent selfless act]
I made a fruit salad for Kunle, and will cook dinner for when he gets back from class.
[3 people you consider to be geniuses]
Kunle, Ghandi, and John Irving
[3 inventions you consider to be ingenious]
The wheel, the airplane, and the process for smelting iron
[Your 3 favorite childhood toys or games]
Geo-safari, the big book of American Presidents, aaaaand... my (brother's) stuffed genie doll, from Aladdin
[3 words you often use when speaking]
the, and, but
[3 sounds that disturb you]
Gunshots, microphone feedback, roommates having too much sex
[3 lessons youhave learned the hard way]
1) Don't rely on school to teach you everything (or anything, in some cases), 2) Stop and evaluate your behavior to make sure that it's actually coming from you, not the influence of someone else, and 3) Don't let opportunities pass you by out of shyness. Ask questions, probe, and don't take no for an answer.
[3 things you would never do]
Suicide, heroin, methadone. Otherwise, I'm open!
[3 things you would not allow your children to do]
be inactive, unmotivated, or disinterested in taking control of their own lives
[3 things you have done in your life that you regret]
Mostly things I should have stood up for or said to people, but was too chicken to do so
[Your dream]
To be always attentive, useful, peaceful, nurturing, and happy
[If you had the talent or the opportunity, you would]
Sing. Opportunities aplenty, but alas... talent...
[Something you wish you could learn at the snap of your fingers]
Languages... Kiswahili, Yoruba, and French
[Something you wish you could change about your life]
I want to not have to worry about money, not take out more loans... that would be sweet.
[You want to retire at this age]
Not thinking about it... I don't think I'd be comfortable retiring in any sort of official way. I will be useful 'til death, so help me
[How do you plan to spend that last years of your life]
Busy and active, hopefully
[How would you like to spend the last few minutes of your life]
Feeling loved
[At your funeral, you want people to remember you as]
[Something you dreamed that later happened or turned out to be true]
That usually doesn't happen to me
[The emotion you tend to hide the most]
sadness, sometimes anger
[The emotion you seem to experience the most]
[A moment you achieved absolute happiness]
2am, stoned and naked on a beach in Mombasa :)
[You would feel envious right now if]
Huh... dunno
[A piece of music that makes you sentimental]
Joan Armatrading "The Weakness In Me," and KD Lang "Love Affair." Oh, and Rufus Wainwright "Hallelujah."
[When you are happy, you need]
To sing, dance, drive, or get some luvin ;-)
[When you are sad, you need]
Chocolate, coffee, and a change of scenery
[When you are angry, you need]
to go to the gym, and let it out productively
[When you are lonely, you need]
a warm body, or a Kevin Costner movie
[When you are in love, you need]
[You would jump up and down with joy if someone told you]
that $100,000 had miraculously appeared in my bank account. See, really, I don't want too much!
[The last time you cried uncontrollably was when]
Last week, during a bout of pure PMS hell
[A moment in your life when your emotions froze and you felt absolutely nothing]
it usually happens when people go off on me... depending on the person, of course, but usually apathy kicks in
[You get angry with yourself when you]
Make mistakes that could have been avoided by more analytical thought
[Your earliest memory]
Either in my walker, propelling myself towards the bathroom... or watching Roger Rabbit with my cousin and watching him draw... both, I was less than a year old. My memory rocks!
[Describe your first paying job]
I tutored for the City of Readers program
[Describe your best paying job]
Secretary, $10/hr. How sad.
[You are haunted by the memory of]
Unfortunately, a few nasty individuals
[A person who made you miserable for a long time]
various people, but isn't that my fault for not cutting them out?
[A smell that reminds you of your childhood]
All those holiday food smells... turkey, pumpkin pie, cookies... the smell/taste of any light beer... and Gorgio purfume always reminds me of my kindergarten teacher
[A routine you remember from your childhood]
Eating instant oatmeal in the mornings while watching Catholic evangelical TV (I assume it was meant to encourage us to get ready and leave for school as quickly as possible)
[Your greatest fear]
Being useless to humanity, or to the people in my life
[A crime or natural disaster you were a victim of]
Nothing really... I've nearly been carjacked in Nairobi, I had the misfortune of being in Heathrow in the middle of a terrorist threat... and California, you know, earthquakes...
[A sickness or disease you fear]
Cancer, or anything chronic and debilitating
[A reason for which you would seriously contemplate suicide]
I wouldn't... not being me, with my life as I know it now... life is short, you'll die soon enough anyway!
[When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think]
I'm a white American, and therefore incredibly rich and shamefully undersexed.
[Your greatest fear about aging]
My health deteriorating
[Your greastest fear about marriage]
Anything that long-term frightens me... I like being mobile and free
[Your greastest fear about having children]
Their father... seriously, I do not doubt my motherly tendencies, but have little faith in men's capacity to be nurturing and emotionally available
[A plan or project you worry may fail]
Getting the hell out of USIU and into grad school... kind of a leap, and a zillion things could fuck it up
[Something on your mind you are afraid to share]
Ah, many things
[When you really want to get to know someone, you say or ask]
Let's go get coffee. Nothing opens people up like a quiet afternoon with caffeine.
[The largest age difference you have had in a relationship]
An unserious one where the difference was 5 years... then a serious one now, the difference is 3
[Who was younger]
Me, both times
[Something someone said or did that you found extremely attractive]
Kunle once got inspired and recited Maya Angelou to me... with the Nigerian accent, very beautiful
[Something someone said or did that you found frighteningly unattractive]
In the same breath, offer me lines of coke and proposition me for sex in the back room of a bar. An emphatic 'no' to both!
[A saying you've heard about men or women that you believe is true]
Sayings should not be taken at face-value
[A phyisical trait you find attractive]
chests... on both genders... and good dental hygiene
[An intellectual ability you find attractive]
Personally, I just think Kunle's brain should be studied and cloned, for the delight of women (or men) everywhere who have endured mad infatuations with their professors or other mentors. The boy restructures government ministries in his spare time, for christ's sake. In short... I like a extremely high and varied level of intellectual capacity.
[A personality trait you find attractive]
Ambition and single-mindedness
[You are irritated when people ask you]
"How do you like Kenya?" Because they have in their minds already all the good things they want to hear, which are always far from the truth!
[You love it when people ask you]
serious questions. It's a rare, but wonderful thing
[Your secret passion]
[Your longest grudge]
A very silly boy from long ago
[A type of person you don't seem to get along with]
Superficial, loud, and overly-social people
[You and your spouse or partner argue about this issue often]
We really fall into the stereotypical dilemma of male/female communications. Except that he talks a LOT more than I do. But I like to communicate more emotionally, to feel a connection... he's content to spend 2 hours relating to me the structure of the Nigerian military, or the procedure for maintaining Boeing 747s. We don't always stimulate each other mentally, which is frustrating.
[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship]
Not having to fuck around with the whole dating process, which I've always found exhausting and seldom worth the effort. Seriously though, the stability, having someone there to rely on, to plan the future with... and sleeping next to someone is always nice
[What you dislike most about having a committed relationship]
The daily grind, not always being able to do WHAT I want WHEN i want and the WAY i want it, having to spend time and energy working out little seemingly insignificant problems so they don't build up to something bigger...
[Your sexiest feature]
I have one hell of an ass ;-) I like my back though, and eyes
[A place where you've always wanted to make love]
In water
[A wonderful place where you have made love]
Under stars
[A strange place where you have made love]
I shall not go into details, but we did some damage to the stove (doh!)
[A special place on your body that, when kissed or touched, feels unbelievably good]
Over my tattoo, and neck of course
[An unfulfilled fantasy]
I don't waste too much time on fantasies
[A fulfilled fantasy]
[A fragrance that reminds you of someone with whom you have been intimate]
Leather (but don't think dirty!), Coconut, Happy perfume
[The most perverted situation you have ever been in]
We'd have to go back to high school for that one, and I'd rather not
[The approximate number of sexual partners you have had]
For the sake of certain readers I will decline to comment on this
[The largest age difference between you and a sexual partner]
5 years
[Who was younger]
[The first time you achieved orgasm]
Honestly, I don't remember!
[You feel most attractive when]
After working out (or "working out," hehe), and showering
[The book, song, or movie title that best describes your sexuality]
Life is Beautiful :-)
[Sex is]
Beautiful, but dangerous
[If you could change one law]
I would like Kenyans to NOT go to jail for 14 years for 'homosexual acts'
[If you could erase one memory]
They all serve a purpose
[If you had extra money]
I'd take a trip with the boy, maybe down to Tanzania, just to relax and see some beautiful scenery
[If you could bring one person back from the dead]
No one, I'd let them rest
[If you could start all over]
[Your current philosophy]
Never become complacent when it comes to accumulating knowlege... you can never know everything, you can never know enough
[Something you learned this week]
The relationship between inflation and interest rates, and the sources of international law.
[Your most important goal right now]
To finally earn my B.A., get into grad school, and reach some sort of decision regarding my ball and chain... those are the goals for 2007, anyway
[The best word to describe your love life]
[The best word to describe your job]
[Your biggest obstacle right now]
Looks like it will be my international law class
[The most important thing in life]
The impact you make in people's lives
[The last person you said "I love you' to]
Kune I suppose
[A piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child]
Don't be intimidated by anything or anyone.
I do believe this will be my first post of the new year! The holidays were dull... Christmas we went out and watched the drunk people, very festive... New Years Eve was spent curled up on the couch listening to BBC on the radio. We did see lots of fireworks from the balcony though, which was nice.
I'm just a mess of mental issues lately... it's good, it's a growing thing, but I feel like while I'm in the midst of this process I run an exaggerated risk of fucking everything up. Hm. 2007 is going to be really crazy... so many things to decide and act on, and it will surely be ending with another relocation. Back to the states most likely, but where? Oy. I'm really digging the grad programs at Cal Poly Pamona though... after all this, to be back in the Inland Empire area... wow.
And speaking of San Bernardino... it snowed?? WTF?? I miss all the fun.
But anyway, life is good as always... Kunle is fine, posessed with a frantic energy to write and to save the world as usual... he recently won an international essay contest, woot woot for him. However, he's applying for various summer internships in D.C., which is sadly bringing to light a lot of my selfishness... in that I'd kill him if he actually was accepted to one of them. In an I'm-happy-for-you kind of way of course. But likely we're going to be a country away from each other come 2008 anyway, can't we enjoy the damn year in the same COUNTRY for a change? Anyway, that's a private rant for another day.
Oh, and Melissa is back in Kenya. Living with Lance, killing time until his visa to the US gets approved. It's nice to have my partner in crime back.
School is fucking crazy... I'm still making up community service hours, so I'm chained to the shamble that is City Primary School for the next month or so... plus 6 classes. Interesting classes, yes, though International Law may kill me and Economic Geography wants 3 essays a week. Bah!
I should be in my statistics class now actually... I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going...