Title: Untitled Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember Fandom/Characters: Supernatural Bobby/Crowley (mild references made) Rating: Eh PG to be safe Summary: He cooks, he cleans, he's handy to have around.
Okay, kitten!Sam is just too cute!! He so out cutes Newt!Sam! Lol. and the little moment the two had!! So sweet!! Aw!! It made me want to hug them both! Of course, they're not actually real, so i settled with startling my cat, Pyg and hugging him. He dealt with it.
And Bobby and Crowley are my new OTP!! *snicker* Saying that, I also thought you were going the Bobby/Cas route with that one, and found that I was sort of intrigued by that. Lol. So yeah, clearly Bobby with anyone will suit me fine. *grin*
Yay for the awesome oneshots!! They rocked!! And made me smile!! Which, you know, is a good thing right now! I'm killing a rainforest with all the tissue I'm getting through... not that you needed to know that... Heh. Still, thank you for giving me something to distract me from my misery (which i fully accept is my own fault. *sigh*)
Loved them all ! But i must admit, my favourite was the first one. Sorry to those who disagree but I'm sure Bobby has a weird thing for Bobby, he's just more fun to antagonise anyway. Plus I can totally see this happening. “You make me all warm and tingly inside.” Indeed xD
Comments 2
And Bobby and Crowley are my new OTP!! *snicker* Saying that, I also thought you were going the Bobby/Cas route with that one, and found that I was sort of intrigued by that. Lol. So yeah, clearly Bobby with anyone will suit me fine. *grin*
Yay for the awesome oneshots!! They rocked!! And made me smile!! Which, you know, is a good thing right now! I'm killing a rainforest with all the tissue I'm getting through... not that you needed to know that... Heh. Still, thank you for giving me something to distract me from my misery (which i fully accept is my own fault. *sigh*)
“You make me all warm and tingly inside.” Indeed xD
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