So, Ayame has a clothing shop! This is canon! He also has an assistant in canon, but it won't occur to him to hire another one because I think he just expects her to magically ~show up~ at some point when he needs her. He will not, however, question it if someone basically just steps in to act for her. (I thought that this might happen in a process that escalates over time, from "ugh, this guy is crazy, I'll just follow him around and clean up after him this one time, because someone should do it... =____=" to "... how did this become my regular job. FML.")
Yes, he'll pay the character if they remind him. :|b
Being his assistant consists of making sure that materials get ordered, that the custom orders don't get mixed up, and the customers don't get frightened off by Ayame's exuberance. Persuasive skills are also helpful for the character's own good, because sometimes you get a big guy in a dress and Ayame will have disappeared off somewhere to be Not Beaten Up. If your character has actual taste in fashion, that's even better, because Ayame's tastes, while excellent (shut up, Hiro), tend to run to frills. Which is not necessarily everybody's thing!
Regular store clerks are always helpful as well. I doubt I'm going to get many offers, so I'm not going to institute an actual limit, but since Ayame runs a specialty shop, he shouldn't have too many employees.
Dummies are one-off jobs - basically, you stand there wearing ten tons of frills because you're close to one of his custom orders' specifications, and he'll make you pose while he mends the dress. He will forget to pay you unless you specifically demand it. Just remember that asking him for money means more time in his presence (i.e. more opportunities for him to put you in other dresses). It's just an opportunity for extra cash now and then. On the plus side, at least he doesn't call it the dummy job.
Currently Hiring - One (1) assistant, up to three (3) store clerks around the week. Dummy positions are always open. Picking someone can happen at anytime, and he doesn't advertise for them so much as... spot suitable people and put them in dresses. And pay them if they demand compensation. Just set down a specific date when they would've been fitted so that we don't get an overlap. Not that I expect this to happen, but it can't hurt!
Orders can also be placed here! Warning: Ayame's stuff tends to run to styles (gothic lolita, victorian, whatever), and he mostly makes dresses for men. HE HAS STUFF FOR GIRLS, but... yeah.