what is your full name?: tara christina rosenthal
spell your first name backwards: arat
date of birth: october 9th, 1985
male or female: female
astrological sign: libra
nicknames: pronounced "TEAR-RAH!" or tarable [haha]
occupation: student and cashier at the convenient stores of Speedway
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Where were you born: mt. clemens, MI
Where do you reside now: east lansing, MI
Age: 19
Screen names: cadentxstar/youaretarable
What does your screen name stand for: who knows
Pets: cat-pookie
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 19
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: none
Shoe size: 9-10
Right or lefty: righty
Wearing: jeans, a bar tee, and my red michigan state hoodie
Hearing: tabitha on the phone/some stupid show/soledad brothers
Feeling: mexican
Eating/drinking: h2o
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff..
Have you ever been in love?: no
How many people have you said that to(and meant it): family
How many people have you kissed?: 0
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: no
How many people have you dated?: 0
What do you look for in a person of the opposite sex?: humor, brains, scruff, musical interests.
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: i kind of take it all in
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: the ones i could never have
Do you have a crush right now?: you might call it that, but not really
If so who is it?: HA
Do you believe in love at first sight?: negative
Do you remember your first love?: shutup seriously.
Who is the first person you kissed?: no?
Do you believe in fate?: yeah
Do you believe in soul mates?: no
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: nope
Color: red
Food: rice
Song: right now the shins - caring is creepy
TV Show: ER!
School subject: math/science
Band/singer/artist: band - led zeppelin, singer - janis, artist - bob dylan
Radio station: i'm not a fan of the radio, it's usually on 94.7 though
Pair of shoes: AE flip flops, the ones i wore to bonnaroo.
Actor: kevin spacey
Actress: i don't have a favorite
Drink: water or raspberry iced tea
Holiday: jobbienooner
Perfume/cologne: aqua de gio
Pizza topping: green peppers, mushrooms, and onions
Jello flavor: grape
Card Game: presidents and assholes was pretty damn fun
Video game: MARIO KART
Website: i visit this website often.
Computer game: solitare or dominoes on yahoo
Number: 9
Cereal: count chocula, or raisin bran crunch
Comedian: mitch hedberg
Teacher: mrs. faoro, mrs. mackenzie in 2nd grade, and my prof. Dr. Fenton
Salad dressing: ranch and only ranch
Thing to do on the weekend: go to parties
Season: fall
Sport to watch: hockey or football
Person to talk to online: oscar
Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: nope
Been on a diet: yeah i guess
Been to a foreign country: Canada, Spain, England for a couple hours
Broken a bone: none
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no, what the hell man
Sworn at a teacher: doubt it
Got in a fight: never actually
Dated a teacher: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: hell yeah, not full-on pee though, that would suck
Thought about killing your enemy: i have no enemies
Gone skinny dipping: no
Told a little white lie: of course
Told a secret you swore not to tell: yeah
Stolen anything: yeah
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: most likely, everything i say sounds ridiculous
Been on TV: no
Been on the radio: nope
Been in a mosh pit: yeah
Been to a concert: yeah
Dated one of your best friends: no
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: no
Deceived somebody close to you: no
Broken the law: yeah
Been to a rodeo: no
Been on a talk show: no
Been on a game show: no
Been on an airplane: yeah
Got to ride on a firetruck: no
Came close to dying: yep
Cheated on a bf/gf: no
Gave someone a piggy back ride: yeah
Terrorized a babysitter: no, my babysitter was my friend
Made a mud pie: umm no
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: nope
Snuck out of the house at night: i just leave when i want, no sneaking involved
Been so drunk you don't remember your name: no
Felt like you didn't belong: yeah
Felt like the 3rd wheel: yeah all the time
Smoked: yeah
Done drugs: yeah
Been arrested: no
Had your tonsils removed: no
Gone to camp: yeah for that one day in 6th grade
Won a bet: yeah
Written a love letter: no
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: no
Written a love poem: no
Kissed in the rain: no
Slow danced with someone you love: no
Participated in an orgy: no
Faked an orgasm: no
Stolen a kiss: no
Asked a friend for relationship advice: no
Had a friend steal your crush: no
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: no
Gotten a speeding ticket: no, i haven't gotten pulled over yet. knock on wood.
Done jail time: no
Had to wear a uniform to work: yeah, fuckin fye
Won a trophy: yeah i was on a bowling league. i think we won because we sucked so bad our handicap was insane.
Thrown up in public: not really..
Bowled a perfect game: no, people who do that are freaks
Failed/got held back: no
Roasted pumpkin seeds: yumm..
Taken ballet/karate lessons: no
Attempted suicide: no
Cut yourself: fuck that
Do you believe in aliens: no
Name three things that are next to your computer: printer, tv, fridge. dorm rooms are damn cramped.
Do you have any hidden talents: no
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: MTV would still suck
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: THIS IS SPINAL TAP
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: I haven't been that scared yet..
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: Team America - FUCK YEAH! Dumb, but incredibly awesome
Do you drive: yeah
What is your dream car: one of them beefy classic cars, like a 69 mustang
Do you think your good looking: at times i feel good about myself
Do others think you are good looking: doubt it!
Would you ever sky dive: HELL YEAH
Do you believe in Bigfoot: yeah man. i watched something on discovery channel about him, it's all true!
How many rooms do you have in your house: 14
Are you afraid of roller coasters: no - BRING IT ON
Do you own a pooltable: no, i wish i did
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yes
Do you like chocolate: yeah, preferably dark.
Who/what is on your 2003 calendar: Get Fuzzy
How many U.S. states have you been to: Driven through like 9, stayed in 4.
Ever wished on a shooting star: haven't seen me a shootin' star yet
Best Halloween costume you ever wore: this year - MARTHA, i think it's pretty genius.
Do you carry any weapons on you: my fist
Name something you can't get enough of: music
Do you consider yourself a trendy person: eh not really.
Are you an artistic person: no
Are you a realistic person?: yes
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no
Are you a strong person: physically, yeah, i'm not some girly girl. emotionally yeah for the most part, depends.. mentally - i'm an idiot.
Are you a strong willed person: sure why not
Who is the last person to e-mail you: eh i don't remember
Who is the last person to IM you: oscar
Do you hate chain e-mails: yeah
Are you a deep sleeper: no
Are you a good story teller: i suck
What is your greatest accomplishment: getting into msu i guess
Do you like to burn candles or incense: yes
Do you have your own credit card: yeah
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: buy the world
Do you have a check book: no
Do you like your drivers license: eh it's not terrible, my first picture rocked though, but i lost my license.
Do you tan easily: yeah
What color is your hair naturally: brown/dark blonde
How many fillings do you have: 1