So my life thus far up here at good ol' MSU has been great. Hanging out, meeting new people, and all that jazz. Classes are going well,
[my ISS class blows my mind.] It's a class on evolution, and it's really making me re-think some things. I don't particularly like thinking too much into certain things. Especially things i'm uncomfortable with, like religion - I don't know what I believe. But there are just so many facts disproving the creationist theory, [God created the earth/man etc. etc.]
1) Do you think it's possible that the bible is just one big story?
2) Do you think that if there is a god/devil, that it's possible that the devil placed the theory of evolution in our minds to get more of us to fall away from god?
That brings me to another religious story-type thing. A couple weeks ago a couple of mormons were in my hallway, soliciting to rooms trying to get people to listen to their little tale. So that particular day I was bored, and didn't have much to do and I invited them in. They tell me about all these prophets and apostles and blah blah blah. Then they get to that dude named Joseph Smith [the founder of the mormon church.] They tell me this story about how Jesus and God came to this guy, and told him that he needed to restore the "true" church back on earth, [basically saying that every other church on earth is wrong, and theirs is the best] and he needed to do this by digging up these gold plates that had all that information or something on them. So I ask, if this jesus/god-gold plate thing is true, where are the gold plates. They tell me "Oh the angels came and took them, but there is a list of guys who signed this piece of paper saying they saw them." YEAH OK! The only proof they have is some guys' signatures on a piece of paper. So I ask how they know that jesus/god came to this Joe Smith guy. They tell me "I know this is true because when I prayed and asked about it I felt the Holy Spirit." and I ask what does that feel like? They reply that the Holy Spirit is a feeling of joy, happiness, goodness, etc. In my opinion the Holy Spirit sounds pretty psychological, because when they're praying about this they're kind of already expecting this overwhelming feeling of joy, and peace and what not. It's kind of like when randomly during the day, you just all the sudden feel good all around, no real reason. [not sure if that has ever happened to you] I don't know. Everything about the bible just seems so hypothetical. I like my facts.. and I'll stop talking about this now, because I realize it may only make sense to me.
The other day was a big step in that "growing-up" process for me. My friend Kate and I signed a lease for an apartment for next fall. I'm really excited about moving in. It's a really nice place, about 5 blocks from campus, fully furnished and all that jazz, and it's cheap... PLUS it has a pool and a volleyball court. Hell yeah.
Those are just pictures from the model, but we get all that furniture anyway. Pretty badass if you ask me.
I've been anticipating this weekend for the past month. Halloween weekend, MSU/UofM football game [i hope we win], and a bunch mine and kate's buddies are coming up [we're going to be having like 8 people in our rooms]. I'm mostly excited about my costume. I'm pretty proud of this one. I'm being Martha Stewart. My costume consists of: an orange prison-jumpsuit, a free martha t-shirt that I made, measuring spoons that i'm going to hook on my belt loop, and i'm carrying around a mini rolling-pin. I also transfered "MARTHA" to the back of my jumpsuit so there should be NO confusion. Man. I can't wait.
ALSO I'm going down to detroit tomorrow for a show. The Soledad Brothers. That show is going to damn amazing I tell you what.
Life is good.