
Nov 21, 2008 02:28


Using PhotoShop CS3.

Before we start working on the coloring, the image needs to be much much brighter, I'd say! So:

Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves -> Ok -> RGB: Output 150/Input 103

Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Color Balance -> Ok -> Midtones: +10, 0, -15; Shadows: +10, 0, +8; Highlights: -10, 0, 0 (Preserve Luminosity is always checked)

More Color Balance -> Midtones: +10, 0, -8; Shadows: -15, 0, +10; Highlights: -15, 0, 0

Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Selective Color -> Ok -> Reds: -30, 0, 0, +20; Yellows: +30, 0, 0, -20; (Method: Relative)

More Color Balance -> Midtones: +15, 0, -10; Shadows: +8, 0, +5; Highlights: -15, 0, +10

And, more Color Balance -> Midtones: -20, 0, +10; Shadows: +5, 0, -5; Highlights: 0, 0, -15

New Selective Coloring -> Reds: -20, +5, +5, 0; Yellows: +22, +5, 0, +25; Neutrals: +5, 0, 0, -5

One last Color Balance -> Midtones: +10, -2, -10; Shadows: -10, 0, +5; Highlights: -5, -4, -7

Done! :)

qaf icon tutorial

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