If I were to tell you I'm considering moving my wife, my infant daughter, and my nearly four year old son to Gotham would you advise me to do so or to wait until it was safer?
*does not hesitate* We are making great strides with our Take Back Gotham City Campaign and the Election promises to root out the corruption in this city.
Politics aside.
People should have the opportunity to experience what this city has to offer. Between the Batman and how he's galvanized the city into action...I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep your family safe no matter what. That's why I'm running for district attorney, for the families that we have, and the families we want to experience our way of life.
Obey the instructions of the police and fire department when on a scene. Dont' stop your car at the scene of accidents just to catch a glimpse of a dead body. Abide by the laws we've set down.
Other then that, be yourself. A city's like a mosaic. each stone is a different color and a different shape adding to the unique nature of the picture.
Comments 55
I have to be honest don't I?
*long sigh*
Rachel, What you'd need to do I could never ask you to do. It's my problem. I...
Jealousy is not something I ordinarily truck with but I-
Answer me this, were you seeing Wayne? Do you love hi-
Be patient with me, trust me, and.....Choose Me understand that sometimes when it comes to dealing with people I...I might need a little help.
For you I'll have all the patience in the world. And I do trust you, with my life. But what exactly do you have to deal with?
It's hard okay? It's hard because...Because I-
I don't want you to be unhappy. Like I said, It's my problem but sometimes...sometimes...I just-
Do you ever wish I was somebody else? I keep worrying that I'm not enough, not rich Successful smart enough for you. I just-
Answer me that. Answer me that and It'll go a long way to me...to me not being-what was it that Cassie said? Emo?
Politics aside.
People should have the opportunity to experience what this city has to offer. Between the Batman and how he's galvanized the city into action...I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep your family safe no matter what. That's why I'm running for district attorney, for the families that we have, and the families we want to experience our way of life.
Other then that, be yourself. A city's like a mosaic. each stone is a different color and a different shape adding to the unique nature of the picture.
I have yet to actually see that signal, did you know that?
I told Gordon to tell you this.
[Wanna rp them getting together however briefly? :3]
For Rachel's sake if nothing else. I promise to stop being such an arrogant prick.
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