First fanart made completely on tablet! ^-^ Man it's actually hard... -_-; Format is left to right... way 36 inches. I like the format more that way.. and it works better I think.
I am getting more and more perverted... It is starting to scare me.O_o Next picture I have in mind is going to be either one for Konoha Garden,<--- awesomely perverted story or another story that I can not remember the title. <--- cool story with amnesia stuck Naruto (Shin?) and a doll that looks like him.
Almost bought a tablet, in Fries <--- dunno the spelling...but it's not my b-day its my bro's. >_< Darn... Too many days away from my b-day... I was so close. I might get it tomorrow thought, for getting good grades... I am SPOILED x_x. Must leech Photoshop from my friend or uncle.
Day before Spring Break... must finish essay, read FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD, study for honors geo and world history... Delay in posting Sasu/Naru and Naru/Sasu art... getting pissed off.
Still trying to figure out LiveJournal. Can't wait till summer break... even though it's only one week..T-T Must find Webserver to post pictures... -_-::