frontdated; video post with her brand new spankin' camcorder; locked from hostiles; bold is Patamon

Apr 12, 2009 12:44

[Maria is in nice clothes for Easter. Though the sound of wing beats makes it into the audio from time to time, Patamon is entirely offscreen.]

I don't think I've gone so long between vlogs since we first moved to St Cath's. Hikaru helped me move to Tetha; we've been spending a bit of time together. [She pauses, and shakes her head in wonder a little.] I'll never get used to him calling me Mom.

[More cheerful now!] I got a job in TV entirely by accident. It's been a pretty steep learning curve but I like the challenge, and I'm doing something I love. And, well, Mike's quite a character, heh.

AHA! [Maria glances offscreen, amused, before turning back to the camera.]

I met a boy in town named Ryo. [HAND GESTURES: An approximation of the height of Ryo's hair, followed by miming tying a scarf around one's neck. Her expression indicates her opinion on this look: Stupid.] The one who's writing the practical guide to the Demon Kings. He'd been planning a blog post, written information and pictures distributed on the networks type thing. Patamon managed to talk him into making it a film so he's got the best of both worlds; gets the information across for people who can't or don't read - Hikaru, you won't get better if you don't practice - but still lets him use the visuals. Somehow of course I ended up volunteering to help him with it. [But she seems pleased about this.]

We've done a little location scouting and shot some test footage to see if I'll need to borrow the boom. [She hesitates, looking more thoughtful now, then seems to think better of whatever she was going to say.] I might need it for a few spots he likes, otherwise, given the quality of most recordings on here we'll probably be fine without. Just waiting for him to finish writing so I can sort out all the pre-production.

And now it's Easter Sunday.

Spring breaaaaak... not really.

[Maria continues as if uninterrupted.] This has been my first Holy Week and Easter without attending mass, though Patamon and I tried to make do with what we could remember.

Weren't you and Nicanor hiding the eggs for Francis, Jerome, and Therese this year?

...Yeah. That was what Mom said last year. [Sadness flickers across her face, probably too fast to catch.] They've got chocolate digitama here. [She holds one up, smiling a bit at the colorful stripes on the candy shell of the egg.] I've been hiding them for Patamon. I thought people might like to try them.

[And finally Patamon flies into view, holding more eggs.] Not to product place or anything, but these things are great!

[A proper smile from Maria now, even a bit of a laugh, before she reaches towards the camera to turn off the recording.]

[Attached are tiny Easter eggs! Bigger ones for folks she's talked to.]

(OOC: Date on this is the date on the post. Basically, since Hikaru's last post and my epic failure at self-threading something to get her to this point, Maria has moved to Tetha, had her brain broken by her little gogglebrain, and moved in IDK, SOMEWHERE that isn't the Inns or the Bakery. She's working with Mike the TV and totes managed to grab a puny camcorder on 'work expenses', hence the vlog.)

event: easter, life: yays working in tv, people: ryo, family: miss my little siblings, !video, projects: ryo's demon king guide, family: hikaru

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