I had SUCH a fun weekend, it was... soo awesome. i love the beach. and i met some great people. and i hung out with some great people that i already knew. and we did some great things... and i bought a cap gun. and... i FINALLY got some color. the color is mostly red... but it will change to tan (hopefully
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fuck chem. i'm getting a c no matter what [unless i get an A on it]. in the words of rachel... its the only thing stadning in between me and my summer. and im not gunna let it bother me anymore
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So yea, I haven't had a "real" update in a while. I figured, why not today? Whoa, I'm actually using [semi] correct grammar and capitalization, etc. But yeah, new user icon, not sure if I like it or not
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youknow_howido's LJ stalker is innie_outie!innie_outie is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also leaving anonymous abuse on your journal!
so my brother has rediculous anger management, but since i yell at my journal about it like every day of my life, im not guna get into it. just that i fucking hate him
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so the "women's chorale" hershey trip was today. that was cool cuz i didnt have to go to school!! woot! and i was kinda upset at first cuz i really dont like roller coasters [i get sick on them :(]. but then we got there and we competed and i got in a better mood cuz we got SUPERIOR which is like... the best you can get! but we didnt deserve it...
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so i just woke up from a nap. and this wasnt your average nap... this was a five hour nap. naps always leave me sooo confused... cuz i always think its morning when i wake up.
my brother decided to DESTROY my room yesterday... and by destroy i mean rip EVERYTHING off my bed and shelves and drawers and just throw it on the floor. he broke a few of
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