Sep 13, 2004 22:43
My stepmom told me this crazy ass story.
She used to be in Partylite which is this candle selling club thing I guess. It's like avon and stuff. Anyway they had a convention in St. Louis and all the girls she roomed with were like cheating on their husbands and going crazy.
Seriously, it's a candle selling convention...
What the hell?
Sep 09, 2004 20:45
Nothing beats a day with the boys.
Sep 08, 2004 20:10
I've watched the CSI marathon for like ten billion hours straight. I still haven't found one episode that didn't make me go, "Whoa, this show is the shit."
Everyone go to Nico's tomorrow after school!
Aug 12, 2004 16:20
Everyone please try and come to Gameworks and see us tonight! I know its a school night but I'm sure you all have windows in your room. It would be so awesome if yall showed up. <3
Aug 11, 2004 15:52
- My boys
- Dex and Edge
- ATW \m/
- Emily
- Trenton
- Erin
- Everyone that came to our shows
- Sam and Lauren <3
Thank you guys so much for
making this summer awesome.
Jul 30, 2004 18:12
Everyone come to Gameworks and watch us play tonight! Love you guys!