Character name: Mai
Avatar: The Last AirbenderAge: 15
Canon: Imagine a young 12 year old boy (or 112, if you're really counting) awakening from a deep icy sleep to discover the world he had known is now ravaged by the scars of war. Guided by his destiny to save the world from further destruction, the Avatar Aang, along with his rag-tag group of friends, must journey across the planet to master the bending skills of Earth, Fire, Air and Water, as well as win the heart of the girl he loves. But with every awesome protagonist, there must be a ruthless, cruel villain, out to stop our heroes in every way possible.
When we're talking about cruel and ruthless, Azula, the Fire Nation princess, comes to mind. And when Azula needs minions, she turns to her dear old friends. Enter Mai. Describing her as an apathetic teen, or 'emo', would be no far stretch of the imagination. Mai taught herself the art of throwing sharp pointy objects with deadly accuracy as a means to amuse herself. She's certainly not the type who would exert herself in excess, especially when the outcome is already clear. Mai would much rather sit back, do her nails, and continue complaining about the boredom of everyday life. Mai revels in not caring about anything, constantly being bored, and sarcastic retorts. Despite being described as having a 'dingy grey' aura, there is one thing that brightens her day, and that is the love of a badly-scarred Fire Nation prince.
Sample Post:
I'm beginning to think that accepting this reconnaissance mission was a bad idea. I'm literally skirting around in a gross humid swampland, trying not to step on this putrid, disgusting slime. There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place right now. Then again, any alternative at that time seemed better than watching the Fire Nation fireworks display for whatever celebration they've come up with next. Sorry, but I don't really share the same enthusiasm and commitment to sparkles in motion. So here I am... Camp Eff You Die, huh? One of the few Earth Nation towns still putting up a resistance. Did they really think they'd scare people off with just a name like that? Honestly, they should just accept the inevitable. It's not like any army they have can really match up to the Fire Nation's firepower. But here I am, so give it your best shot. With any luck, one of you guys will put up a good fight to entertain me for a bit. I hope you guys have something interesting up your sleeve, otherwise, how am I going to be able to show you what's under mine? I bet you mine's pointier.
Well now, you call this a rebellion? I really don't think they have anything to worry about back home. Man, this looks like... no, is worse than outbreak of pentapox back at Omashu. What few soldiers they have are nothing but mindless drones shuffling about, moaning about the wounds that will not heal. That's not much of a military. Not much of anything, actually. I'm not sure how throwing diseased, rotting limbs at enemies would be an effective retardant. So what's next? Fire-breathing ducklings? Lame. If you're going to go all out and teach animals how to fire-bend, then I'd have chosen bigger animals instead of... you know, ducklings. Who live in water. Swim in water. Water, fire- do you get my point? Tell me you have something at least slightly entertaining; I'm otherwise going to be bored to death. There's got to be some secret weapon of yours that keeping this place from being...
Wait, what is this racket? This horrible screeching and wailing, it's like the sound of a thousand people being tortured mercilessly. Is this what's keeping the enemy at bay? Why... this is unbearable. Who knew that attacking your ears with nonsensical cheesy lyrics would be so effective? I knew I should have brought earplugs with me. Someone kill me now, before I hear another irritating lyric about being undressed everywhere. And no, 'oops I did it again' is not a valid excuse for this wretchedness. This task has just become more dangerous than I initially thought.
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