Yeah, I don't know how I came up with this, and I don't know what to call it, but I just wrote this...thing...and I guess I'll post it. I'm not sure what to call it, since it's not a poem or a story or letter or anything... I dunno.
I'm kinda talking to/about Damon.
Sometimes I think I might love you.
And that tears me apart.
Because we're just friends. You've said it yourself.
"I like you as a friend."
But I can't help it. You're the only reason I go to school sometimes. You're why I put up with so many people that hate me.
Because you don't. You don't care that I'm different.
Even when I'm depressed, you try to make me laugh. And it works. Just seeing you makes me happy. I live just to see you, to hear your voice. Sometimes you voice is the one thing I need the most.
I think it's because I might love you.
Yeah, kinda weird, huh? But it's all true. Sometimes I DO think I love him. Even though that's a bit stupid, to think I love him.
The funny thing is, I can't think of anything to back up that last sentence. So maybe I do love him. Maybe just a bit.
Okay, fine, not just a bit. He's the bane of my existence, the reason my heart beats. He's the thing that keeps me from hiding in my room, not bothering to face the world, to deal with so much shit. Sometimes I think if I couldn't see him again, I would die. Just plain and simple. My heart would simply stop beating if he wasn't around. He's why I'm going to leave for school now instead of ditching. Because I love him.