Sometimes my relative inability to concentrate on more than one big project at a time drives me crazy. I can pat my head and rub my stomach while bouncing up and down on one foot, but I can't move forward on my art or get the house whipped into shape when all my efforts are going to improving my health...and it is taking all my effort to do that.
Making myself get on my bike (almost) every day and go through a minimum of somewhere between six and seven miles, and more every time I can find the time/endurance/willpower/joy to do so. Making myself get up in the morning and walk for ten minutes before getting really settled into email and work stuff. Resisting the urge to eat cookies and chips and all the yummy junk that our culture produces in such abundance. Saying no to any kind of snack after 9pm. Stretching and doing pushups and crunches and rocking out in the privacy of the house to some choice 80s videos. It all takes time and effort and overcoming inertia, oh my gods, overcoming inertia.
Meanwhile, the house is a mess, I have far too many material possessions that must be sorted, winnowed and discarded, and my artwork is in a state of limbo. Gah. I feel so overwhelmed when I think about it.
I'm making a very conscious choice, though, to treat my body as my most important priority. Each pound I lose is more than a weight coming off my back and knees. It's a weight coming off, well, everything. It's me shoving back at the depression and saying "No, you're a liar, and I CAN do this." So other things have to wait a while. Their time will come.