Welcome to the Young Avengers Prompt Meme!
1. Post a prompt request.
2. Fill a request!
3. You may fill/make as many requests as you like.
4. Prompts may be filled more than once!
5. IMPORTANT: If you make a request, PLEASE fill one!
6. ANY type of fic is accepted!
Character(s): (Which of the Young Avengers do you want included?)
Prompt: (Can be anything from a single word, to a quote, to something from
1. Eli - Questioning his love life and his sexuality
2. Teddy/Billy/Eli - Double anal penetration
3. Billy/Teddy - Shapeshifter sex (with Teddy as the Human Torch, Northstar, or both)
4. Kate - Saw it coming a mile away
5. Billy/Teddy - Post battle "you're alive!" desperate, rough sex with Billy surprisingly jumping, and dominating, Teddy.
6. Teddy/Tommy - Mistaken identity sex
7. Tommy and Kate - Teasing over 'sex toy' trick arrows
8. Cassie/Nate - Something set after he shows back up kinda evil. He can be full-on Kang, or still teenaged Nate. Just make it hot.
9. Eli/Bucky - involuntary arousal
10. Kate/Clint Barton - Crush
11. Eli/Billy - Cybersex
12. Billy or Eli - cheerleader
13. Teddy/Billy or Eli/Tommy or Eli/Nate - locker-room sex
14. Billy, Teddy, Johnny Storm - Accidentally Naked
15. 'Billy and Captain America' or 'Teddy and Captain America' - Communal Showers
16. Tommy and Vision - 'Stole her Boyfriend'
17. Billy, Teddy, and Chase (from Runaways) - Sex as a result of a lost bet
18. Anole/Wiccan/Hulkling - three-way
19. Billy/Nico - Nico acciedently turns herself into a guy
20. Young Avengers and Young Justice - The Young Avengers team meets The Young Justice team
21. Tommy/Billy - Twincest; What did Hawkeye mean by family tradition?
22. Speed/Hellion - "Mine's Bigger so..."
23. Billy and Iron Man - Revenge
24. Teddy/Billy and Spider-Man - Stuck
25. Vision and Cassie - "Get out of my head"
26. Billy and Tommy - Wrong Costumes
Way too many now to list.... ^_^