stolen from
rocknashy 1. First off, what's your name? Sherri
2. What sex are you? I am a girl
3. How old are you? 22
4. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual
5. What is your zodiac sign? Piceses
6. Are you single? Engaged
7. What attracts you to the opposite (or in some cases, same) sex? personality
8. What is your religious background? Christian
9. Are you a virgin? No
10. If you have gotten some action, why haven't I gotten any? hmm..sounds like your problem not mine
11. Boys: Do you like thick or thin girls? im not a boy but I still like me some thick girls
12. Girls: Is it the size of the boat or the motion of the ocean? hmm...motion of the ocean but I don't have a complaint on either one with Cameron
13. Do you have a celebrity crush? Goldburg
14. What is your natural hair color? redish brownish
15. What color are your eyes? green
16. What is your bra/penis size? 40DD
17. Girls: How big would you want your man's penis to be? Just the way it is right now :-) lol its JUST MY SIZE HAHA
18. How old were you when you first had sex? 17
19. If you are a virgin, can you tell me the reason why? --
20. If you are not a virgin, what were the circumstances for your first time? pretty shit I didn't want it but was forced so in other words i was raped
21. Did you enjoy it? thats a silly question
22. Approximately how long after your first time did you wait to have sex again? I didn't have sex again untill the middle of my senior year almost a year after I was raped
23. Do you like sex? (Not only intercourse, other kinds of sex apply.) mmm love it
24. Typically, how much time do you spend engaged in foreplay before having sex with your partner? foreplay? hmmm..when we have time a lot but usually not much time at all
25. Do you masturbate? a lot
26. If you don't, why not? hey don't ask me that I just said I do
27. Approximately how many people have you had some form of sex with? tooooo many...ima say about 10 and leave it at that
28. How long do you normally date someone before engaging in any sexual activity with them? Im a whore I didn't wait very long with Cameron only the second date but others I waited about a month or so
29. Have you ever performed oral sex on someone? yep
30. On average, do you enjoy performing oral sex? most of the time I do
31. Has anyone ever performed oral sex on you? yep
32. On average, do you enjoy receiving oral sex from them? who doesn't
33. Do you use birth control (this includes doing so for safe sex reasons as well)? not for about 2 years
34. Do you have sex with the lights on or off? usually with a small light on but either way is fine with me
35. What do you consider to be the wildest/strangest thing you've done or will do sexually? going down on another girl
36. Where is the wildest/strangest place you've ever had or want to have sex? either outside in the middle of a field with a farmer plowing the field or in the bed with someone next to us.
37. What is your favorite position/foreplay? side by side or doggystyle
38. Have you ever done sex toys/videos? yep i love my toys and videos
39. Have you ever done anal sex? well kinda we are working on it
xslicricx is pretty well endowed and he is the first so its pretty hard to get going
40. Have you ever done phone sex? used to do it all the time when
xslicricx and I didn't live together
41. Have you ever done cyber sex? yes
42. Have you ever done group sex? If not, would you be interested in doing it? nope and nope not group maybe one more but no more than that
43. Have you ever done bondage? If not, would you be interested in doing it? yeah and yeah its fun
44. Have you ever had a homosexual encounter? If not, would you be interested in doing it? yeah I have and I loved it
45. Have you ever had an affair? If not, would you be interested in doing it? nope and never
46. Have you ever done incest? If not, would you be interested in doing it? no that is just nasty
47. How open are your parents about sex? my mom and I tell all she knows everything
48. If you are currently in a relationship, what turns you on about your current partner? everything about
xslicricx turns me on
49. Would you have sex with the person who sent you this quiz? nope I stole it from
rocknasy hmmm...would I do her...only if she wanted me to :-D
50. Do you have any fetishes? yeah doesn't everyone
51. What is your ultimate sex song(s)? hmmm....I can't think of any right now but I know I will as soon as I am done with this thing
52. Tell me of the perfect sex scenario: anything Cameron comes up with is usually perfect
53. Have you ever found someone of the same sex attractive? yep that would be why I am BISEXUAL
54. What are some of your turn-offs? men that cheat! Women that cheat! Rude people and bitchy people
55. Boys: Whats more important, breasts or butt? .. can I answer this again?? ok thanks I prefer butts
56. Do you enjoy watching your partner masturbating? yep I like to play our game :-)
57. Would you ever let a third person watch you and your partner perform some form of sex on one another? yeah we have before when we were on cam.
58. Do you think sex is better when you are on drugs or drunk? being drunk and having sex is good but i don't like drugs!
59. Would you ever have sex outdoors? Yeah
60. How about on the beach or in the pool? had sex in the pool and hot tub
61. In a public place, like a school or restaurant? not yet but one day I will
62. Girls: Who would you screw - Satan or Jesus? Yeah, I'm not answering this either.
63. Boys: Who would you screw - Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen? I would screw them both... at the same time.
64. Do you think people who change their sexual preference are full of shit (For example, someone who was gay but then turned straight.) dont care
65. Would you ever do a threesome? nope I don't really want to Cameron wants one but I would just do her and then do him...he hasn't been a good boy so he doesn't get to play!
66. What would be the circumstances of having a threesome? read above I get to do her and then him she doesn't touch him and he doesn't touch her end of story
67. Have you ever orgasmed? ooooooohhhhh yeah
68. Do you love your body? I getting used to it
69. Last question, was it good for you too? its always good for me