-Player Information-
Name: Cali
LJ: Caliborn
Email: carrier_of_solar@hotmail.com
Aim: Calipso09
Time zone: PST
-Myth Information-
Myth: Hades, Greek God of the Underworld
About your myth: Hades is a god in Greek mythology and was known to be the God of the Underworld. He, along with his two brothers Zeus and Poseidon, end up defeating the Titans and Taking Over The World/Universe. The three of them draw straws to find out who will rule what (between the sky, the sea and the underworld) and lucky Hades gets stuck with the straw that means he'll lord over the dead. However, despite his power and huge domain, or perhaps because of it, Hades was very lonely. In one of the famous myths he kidnaps Persephone, another goddess, to be his bride, forcing her down into the underworld with him. When her mother demands her return and Zeus also insists, Hades tricks her into eating a pomegranate seed-- the fruit of the underworld-- so that she'll have to come back to him eventually. Demeter, Persephone's mother, was not happy about this, and definitely not happy about having to share her daughter with the man who had kidnapped her, but Hades got what he wanted in the end. Usually he is uninvolved with his sibling's conflicts in the world above (he sat out the entire war with Troy). He sticks to his dominion in the Underworld, although there are some few occasions with him rising and walking the world above for some reason or another. He was also often associated with Cerberus, a three headed monster dog that was said to guard the entrance to the underworld.
Link to information about your myth:
http://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Haides.html -Character Information-
Name: Sebastian Barnes
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 19 years old / Oct 7th
Occupation: College Student
Personality:He's a shy boy, more comfortable around other guys than in the company of girls; he never knows quite what to say to them. He tends to never go half-way about feeling things; if he likes someone, he loves them, and if he dislikes someone, he despises them. He doesn't always act on these opinions but regardless they are there, and once they are set in place they are nearly impossible to change. This was difficult for him in high school because on the rare occasion he got a crush, it hit him hard; pining and wallowing in lonely misery doesn't quite describe the depths he could fall to.
He adores his mother, and no one better ever say anything bad about her in his presence or all bad shit will go down. He also has a handful of other close friends, but mostly he seems to be a loner. He enjoys fantasy games and anything that he can use his imagination to build with like pottery, he likes to draw and is okay at it.
He doesn't like not getting his way and is not above using immoral methods to GET his way-- but only if the methods in question can't ever be traced back to him. He's smart, and fairly careful; but he also has a cruel streak that most people are completely unaware of. He is far from harmless.
History: Family wise, Sebastian has no siblings-- at least that he lives with/ever interacts with. His father left his mother when Sebastian was still very young, about seven years old-- he has had nothing to do with his father ever since, resenting him horribly for leaving his mother for another woman. His father has occasionally tried to re-establish a father-son relationship, but Sebastian has ignored all these attempts so far. He is aware that he does have two half-sisters from his father's later marriage, but he has never seen nor talked to either of them.
As a result of being an only child and growing up with only him and his mother in the house, he is very close to his mom. He had a relatively normal childhood and went to school and made friends-- although he's always been kind of a shy boy, and unable to talk to girls much (besides his mom) so he was never all that popular. As boys are wont to do in such situations he turned to books and creative outlets (his mother pushed him into that pottery class he swears) in order to ebb his teenage loneliness. He never turned completely emo, however, because boys wearing tight pants and eye liner were so uncool and it didn't look good on him anyway. In high school he was known as an aloof dreamer and kind of a weirdo; this was also when he and his friends discovered the magic of DnD and he unintentionally nailed the lid down on his nerd status. He has quite an imagination and makes a great Dungeon Master for his group, always having fun planning the next adventure. He draws a lot of inspiration from his dreams in which he sometimes sees long, dark, empty landscapes and a flowing black river and a black stone throne...
He's always liked dogs, but for the longest time his mother refused to let him have a pet. One night Sebastian had a very odd dream that he can't quite remember-- it was the night after one of the rare times he and his mother ever got into a real fight, when he had asked again to be allowed to have a dog. In the dream, he vaguely remembers something like falling through the earth and into some dark place inhabited by monsters. Chased by one, he ran for his life to escape it, only to eventually be caught and pinned down by a mammoth beast. He doesn't remember much about the monster except that it had too many mouths, each one filled with a tongue that lolled like a dog's-- and it was panting-- and leaning down and about to eat him or something when he suddenly woke up.
That morning he opened the door to find a stray puppy on his doorstep. Despite his protests, his mother took it to the pound-- The next day it was back, sitting on the porch like nothing had happened. The mother made Sebastian take it back to the pound this time, and Sebastian did so reluctantly-- although needlessly, as the dog managed to escape a second time and appeared at their house once more only hours later.
Sebastian ended up convincing his mom to let him take care of it until they found it a good home; somehow that home was never found and it was mutually agreed that the dog would just find his way back anyway. On a hunch, Sebastian named the puppy Cerberus.
Aware/Unaware: Unaware
Alignment: Uh right now, the kid has no idea anything is going on. However, once a great revelation is wrought, he would probably be in favor of gaining power back. I think the Persephone myth shows that he's not afraid of taking what he wants, even if its not exactly his. At the same time I don't think he would aggressively follow this path- he might hang back, check out the sides and then select whatever path he deemed was in his best interests. Most probably, no one will really be able to tell what side he's on.
Powers: He's like a human metal detector-- he's good at finding things buried in the ground. He just has a sixth sense about what's underneath, although he himself is not even really aware of it.
PB: Steven Strait
Physical Description: He has jet-black curly hair that always tends to look unkempt no matter what he does with it. Currently he's growing a goatee-like-beard to impress the girls because it makes him look more like a LotR character just to experiment. His skin is olive-tone; he would probably look darker if he ever actually went out in the sun. His eyes are the only thing light about him: a brilliant blue he inherited from his father.
Journal Sample: Excitement ^^
I'm leaving for LA tomorrow. I was afraid mom was going to change her mind and not let me take the Civic to move in, but I talked her into it. Rollin' in style to LA, sweetness.
(Although I have to give it back in a week. Everything's within walking distance, so I guess I don't really needa car for the first year.)
Cerby's not happy. Tried to keep it quiet that I was leaving, but he knows what the suitcases mean. Gave him extra kibble, but that didn't seem to appease him. What could I say?
Dogs aren't allowed in the apartment complex(I checked).
...No rules about steel weapons, though. Anduril is making the trip with me, even though Mom suggested I leave it home. Not gonna happen; how can I have an authentic King Aragorn outfit without a sword? Betcha can't wait to see it, Mabel. You didn't seem impressed when I told you about it, but it's way cooler in person.
Also, Mabel, you still haven't answered my text. >.>
I see you all on the other side!