Hitch Legacy 2.7 Part Two

Dec 03, 2013 14:41

Welcome to part two. This is a sad and eventful update so lets jump right into it. If you haven't read the first part you can find it here.

We start with Johnpaul coming over after school with Amelia. This picture also made me realize that Amelia has Ye's hair, not Elisabeth's.

Amelia: I can't sit down! There is a chair in my way.
The troubles of humansim-kind.

When she finally got to sitting down she wasn't very happy about it.

Okay, two things.
1. Hi Goodwin
2. Where did you get the laptop?

All this kid does is smile.

And finally when I thought he had stopped smiling...

He started smiling again!

I never realized this, but these two are best friends.

Which makes this even harder.

Sam: Daddy, what's happening?

Sam: Grandpa?


Of course Johnpaul had to be there to witness both Goodwin's and Elisabeth'[s death.

Goodwin: Please don't take me! I haven't seen all my grandkids yet.

Goodwin: PLEASE!!

Grimm: Stand up son.

He just hit him with his scythe.

RIP Goodwin Hitch. He died at the age of 100. He will be missed.

Johnpaul: This is your fault!
Ye: What?

Johnpaul: Don't what me!

At least he isn't smiling...

Amelia: It's okay Johnpaul.

Amelia: Everyone comes and go's. It is the circle of life.

Johnpaul: But it is not okay!

Amelia: Calm down.

Amelia: You have to remember I lost my grandpa too.

Johnpaul: I'm sorry Amelia.

Amelia: It's fine.

Amelia tried to cheer Johnpaul up the same way that she did when Elisabeth died.

And she scared him twice. -_-

Johnpaul was there for both of his cousins. :)

I think Sam knows how to cheer people up better than her sister.

Johnpaul wouldn't stop yelling at people.

And no matter what they tried.

Nothing worked.

Slob sim <3

Sam took Goodwin's death the hardest.
Sam: My heart will never go on.

Amelia just took her anger and sadness out on a video game.

Now for something happier.

Happy Birthday Amelia!

Amelia: How do I look?

Sadly though all the happiness Goodwin's death could not be forgotten.

He is Amelia and all her stats. She gained the trait dog person. Her lifetime wish is to be an illustrative author (I think).

The first thing Amelia did was to get a job as a painter.

Then she got straight to work.

This picture is here because I thought the name of the book Gavin had to read was funny. Its name is "You Are Special."

Prom Time!
This is what Sam did at the prom:
-got in a fight
-someone was wearing the same dress
-broke the backdrop while chasing her crush
-was named prom queen
-and couldn't stop checking people out.

Apparently they don't feed you at prom.

For your enjoyment have some pictures of Sam right after her birthday...

That's the end of part two. If you haven't voted yet there still is time! Click here to vote. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. As always comments and suggestions are appreciated. :)

hitch legacy

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