Hitch Legacy 3.2

Dec 15, 2013 18:57

Hey guys. Welcome to another update of the Hitch's!
Last time: Samantha went, explored and came back from the future, her future husband grew up and they were cute together, and then my game froze. :(

After replaying Sam coming back from the future I went to check on Ye and Gavin. This is what Ye was doing.

She got a good score.

Sam went back to the family hobby as soon as she got home.

I needed to age up him again so Sam invited him over again.

Sam seems pleased with how he turned out. Last time I said his name was Nelson, but it is actually Torey Nelson.

Spare Update:

This is Aaralynn's and Garry's oldest daughter, Mariah.

Their second daughter, Kylee.

And son, Brandy.

He is cute. :)

Gavin, did you break the computer?
Gavin: No *walks away*

It didn't take them long to get back to where they were in the last update.

Every generations couple has a picture like this.

Sam: This is so good it should be in the newspaper.


Sam: Torey, I was wondering if you wanted to be my...

Sam: Boyfriend.
Torey: Yes.


Torey: Sam, what are you doing?

Sam: Will you marry me?

Of course he said yes, I mean how can you say no to Sam?

Sam: Hey you want to cuddle?

Torey: Sure.

Then cuddling turn into something more...

Gavin! what did you do to Elisabeth's umbrella?

It was Sam's first day as a paper girl. Her LTW is to become a star news anchor.

Both of them got reading homework that night.

If Ye is not in that chair...

Sam is.

Look who came over.

They don't fight all the time.

Okay, I lied.

At least mother sticks up for her.

Sam, being heir, takes over household responsibilities.

These two are still in love. :)

They can be friends every once in a while.

Sam: Mom, I just found out I am pregnant. Can you tell me what gender it will be?

Ye: You will have a girl *looks out window*
Sam: Thanks mom. :)

Horse: I hate mailboxes! This is your fault paparazzi!

With a baby on the way Torey was invited over.
Sam: Honey...

Sam: I'm pregnant, please stay with me.

Torey: We are going top have a baby?! Yay!
Sam: *happy sigh*

You know what this means? Wedding time!

Apparently Ye (I'm guessing) tried to flirt with Torey.

No one liked that, especially Sam.

And then he left. I was very upset and it took me forever to get him to come back.

At least these two are still happy. :)

This family;y is so dysfunctional.

This is Liam's and Hanna's second son, Frederick.

And of course Johnpaul.

Sam was very happy with the wedding area.

Finally got Torey back, time for a wedding!

If you can't tell he is insane.

Wedding spam//

Spam done//

Xander: Wasn't that wonderful?
Gavin: Wonderful.

Xander: That was just so wonderful, don't you think?
Johnpaul: Yeah.

You can stop and leave now Xander.
Xander: But it was so good.

These two are still best friends. :)

And I will leave you with this beautiful picture of the wedding area.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. I will hopefully have another one out soon, but we will have to see. :)

hitch legacy

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