Last time: Elisabeth became pregnant and had a baby boy named Liam. We meet Goodwin's other son. Elisabeth became pregnant again. They went to the summer festival and Aaralynn and Brayden had their birthdays!
Now on with the show!!
We begin with the first documented robbery of the Hitch legacy.
Robber: All I wanted was their diamonds.
Haha. It's the first generation of a legacy, like we have any diamonds.
Goodwin is more than half way up the career ladder. Just look at his awesome suit.
He's a cutie. He gained neurotic.
The last time, I swear.
It's another boy. His name is Ryan.
Gavin is having another mood swing. -_-
I really don't know why I took this photo, but it has foreshadowing.
Liam was a bit tricky to teach.
Aaralynn: Hmm. I think I will sit right here...
*fart sound*
Aaralynn: What the...
I don't know why this was so much of a surprise for her, she watched Gavin place it.
Still looking beautiful in her age. :)
Brayden gets really excited over showers.
Maybe I should buy some stairs...
Here is the house at the moment. I don't know why I took this at night, but I did.
His face. >.<
Aaralynn did this ALL by herself. I think she will be a great mom. :D
No matter how old she is or how many children she has, she will love them...
Even when they drive her crazy...
She will play with them...
And look at them with loving eyes...
And smile because no matter what they are her children and she will always love them. <3
This interaction is so cute!
So, during one of his jobs Goodwin all of a sudden stops,
And gets struck by lightening! I thought he was going to die!
Sometimes it feels like somebodies watching me,
And I have no privacy. (He does this a lot).
The plumbob perplexes Aaralynn.
Birthday time again!
Awww! I love him!
I really take to many pictures.
Ryan: If I hide in here nobody will find me.
Ryan: Teehee. >.<
I love Ryan so much and I don't exactly know why.
It's okay though. Elisabeth loves him a lot too.
Liam: MOMMY!
Liam: Feed me!
Liam: please. :(
This is the house in fall. It's not really fall like though.
I love this picture so much.
It took him a while to learn how to walk too.
Goodwin saved her from a fire and she became eternally grateful.
He learned how to walk! :D
Goodwin's job is fairly boring.
Last birthday of the update.
Gavin first.
Elisabeth looks like she is about to cry.
Then Brayden.
And lastly, Liam.
While Liam was ageing up this is what I found Brayden doing.
Here are the newly aged children.
Brayden grew up nicely. He gained the trait great kisser.
I got bored and played around with facial hair on Gavin. He looks really funny.
And here is adult Gavin! He gained computer whiz and his LTW is to be a blog artist.
And Liam. He looks a bit awkward to me. He gained neurotic. I think very one so far have got it when they aged into a child.
Thanks for reading. Comment below. Next update will be heir poll. :D